Biblical Values

We live in a world where godlessness perverts and distorts what is good and wholesome.
*Globalism is destroying traditional ways of life.
*Atheism is creating “spiritually poor” societies.
*Materialistic society believes that happiness can be purchased.
*Mass media are the transmitters of junk culture.
*The politically correct want to force their minority opinions on the majority.
Biblical values create a "reason for being" in this life and a meaning beyond the physical horizon of this world.
They provide a spiritual language and ethical culture for how to view the world and interact within it.
Close-knit families and communities are brought together through the everlasting values of love for God and their neighbor.
We go to church to hear the Voice of God through Liturgy and the Sacraments and to find Jesus, the Good Shepherd who leads His flock to greener pastures.
Our minds are renewed because life has a purpose with an eternal destiny.
And, faith provides that feeling of inner-strength to move mountains in adversity.

Spiritual Assets

Spiritual assets include love, compassion, humility and forgiveness.
Spiritual inspiration enlightens the heart, heals the mind and helps the individual to endure for a brighter future.
Compassion is defined by its wonderful attributes of selflessness, goodness and empathy.
Gratitude makes us thankful for what we have and reminds us to "count our blessings".
Moral law is based on values and standards that distinguish good from bad, right from wrong and warns against wrong turnings.
Children "brought up" on moral and spiritual values are blessed throughout life.
The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Lord's Prayer (taught by Jesus) and The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23) for example, were Divinely Designed for the well-being of every individual.
The Ten Commandments of the Old Testament are the protective laws that guide us to things we must not do.
The Eight Beatitudes of the New Testament given by Jesus Christ from the Sermon on the Mount guide us to things we must do.
And, the Parables of Jesus Christ, such as The Good Shepherd, The Prodigal Son and The Good Samaritan teach important moral lessons for how each one of us can judge his or her own life.


"Empty Soul"
The "spiritual poor" are separated from God and His spiritual assets.
They do not believe in the existence of a higher, Spiritual Force of any kind.
Their beliefs are based in science and the theory of evolution.
For the atheist, there is "no hope" in God's Heavenly Kingdom.
An "empty soul" does not have the "Fear of God" in their hearts.
The Fear of God reminds us that:
*All actions have consequences.
*We are accountable to Someone.
That Someone is God!
The Biblical revelation of salvation should have a great impact on the kind of life we lead.
Repentance and forgiveness must be embedded in your heart to gain the Gift of Salvation.
The prodigal acknowledges his sins by turning to Jesus Christ and asking for forgiveness and deliverance.
They must also be willing to forgive others.
Redemption is defined as the act of correcting past wrongs to gain forgiveness.
Salvation is defined as being saved from sinful ways (repentance) and its consequences, turning to God (faith) and placing our trust in Jesus Christ.

Feeding Thy Soul

Physical life is temporary.
All things come to an end.
Spiritual enlightenment means being "awakened" to the inner, spiritual-self.
God gifted mankind with a spiritual soul that will continue to exist beyond physical life in God's Heavenly Kingdom.
The soul is the link between the physical body and the spiritual self.
Jesus said: "Man does not live on bread alone (the physical) but, God's Word (the spiritual).
Faith is a conviction, or trust in a Higher Power.
It is a source of strength in the presence of adversity to endure all obstacles to grow physically, emotionally and spiritually.
*A healthy body keeps you well and active.
*A healthy mind is the individual's faculty for thinking, reasoning, and making choices through positive thoughts and wholesome values.
*A healthy soul is looking towards an eternal future in God's Heavenly Kingdom.
Spiritual life encourages evangelism to spread the sacred relationship of every individual with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Wholesome Values

People with wholesome values are the strength of a society.
Dysfunctional people destroy society.
The moral compass points in an ethical direction to guide our actions accordingly.
Its components comprise values and ideals that flow in unseen currents to form a moral path through logic and reason.
For the individual, it creates a sense of right and wrong through the conscience to govern a person's thoughts and actions.
A good society has a rich, dominant culture and is politically stable.
It has safe and close-knit neighborhoods where common decency and authority is respected.
For a community, thieves, murderers, political thugs and other criminals lack the moral standards generally accepted by a good society.
The family is the basic social unit around which strong family bonds are forged in a happy home with loving, caring parents who have strong family values.
Parents should teach their children from infancy, values and virtues that ultimately bring every child closer to God.
Sunday school, is where a child's spiritual life is enhanced through the Teachings of the Bible and where children can develop meaningful relationships through Christian fellowship.
The Fourth Commandment to honor thy father and mother creates societies that thrive through wholesome families.

The Humble Church

Sunday, the Seventh Day, is given to humanity by God to devote time to their spiritual needs.
When the church bell tolls, it reminds Christians of God’s Presence.
We go to church to honor Jesus Christ as the King of our world.
We go to church to enjoy the richness of Christian fellowship.
And, we go to church to find peace of mind through spiritual inspiration.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
- Jesus Christ
Prayer brings us closer to God, our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints.
Through prayer, we seek guidance, forgiveness and the light of hope.    
In quiet humility, we pray in our own words, our needs, our hopes and our dreams.
"What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer."
- Joseph Scriven
The spiritual rich devote themselves to the Glory of God.
It was seen through the lives of the Apostles and the early Christians.
And, it is found in humble people who think of others.
Jesus Christ, the Humble Servant, came to serve the poor, the sick and the oppressed.
Serving reveals the goodness of the humble heart.
It brings us closer to God, our church, our family and to our fellow human being.
As a servant of God and a disciple of Jesus Christ, they give value to people's lives and build wholesome communities.
Their greatest reward in helping others is the joy that comes from deep within their heart.  
That special feeling is God’s way of thanking them for making a difference in the world!

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