The Power of Money


The power of money provides financial security, enables one to fulfill financial needs, improves the quality of life and gives peace of mind during unexpected financial emergencies.
The power of money makes it possible to build a dream home, start a business, and to pursue goals that help you live your lifestyle of choice.
"A dollar on hand today is worth more than a dollar promised in the future".
*Money you have now can be invested for a financial return - money made or lost on an investment over some period of time.
Financial Freedom
Financial freedom gives you the freedom of choice to live the lifestyle you desire that bring you joy and fulfillment.
Freedom of choice allows you to be able to pursue the social, recreational and travel activities you enjoy, give your children the very best in education and comfort in retirement.
Financial Freedom Means:
*Having money work for you allows you to take advantage of opportunities that will help you meet financial goals.
*Being in control of your finances allows you to reduce debt, build an emergency fund and create a savings and investing program.
Build an Income-Producing Asset
Be free from debt, anxiety and worry by developing an extra, income-producing asset from a home-based business.
Pay Yourself First
Saving money on a regular basis helps you reach financial goals.
Pay yourself first means prioritizing your savings goal toward a specific financial target for accumulating money.
It means depositing a portion of each paycheck directly into your savings for a particular purpose.
The remainder is then spent on your expenses.
Miracle of Compounding
One of the major keys to long-term investing and to creating real wealth is to use the miracle of compounding - it means that interest is earned on interest.
It is a way to make your money multiply dramatically over time.
The Power of Money
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be debt free?
Do you worry about what would happen if you lost your job?
Imagine a life that gives you the freedom of choice to do what you want, when you want!
Financial difficulties bring stress not only to the individual but also, to the rest of their family.
How do you pay bills with money you don't have that brings late fees, damage to your credit score and potentially disconnection of essential services?
Financial problems, uncertainty and setbacks can bring negative attitudes and feelings of being at the mercy of the unknown.
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."
– Henry Ford
Money can:
*Determine where you live - where you live can impact both physical and mental well-being.
*Affect the way you feel about yourself either, through opportunity and choice or, through anxiety, guilt and a sense of inadequacy, depending on the individual's financial situation.
*Determine your future life either through security and stability or, for those who rely on a pension it could potentially lead to financial stress and reduced quality of life.
Every financial worry you want to banish and financial dream you want to achieve comes from taking tiny steps today that put you on a path toward your goals.
-Suze Orman
The Average Millionaire Has 7 Streams of Income
A millionaire is someone who has a net worth of a million dollars (net worth is what you own minus what you owe).
Two-thirds of the millionaires are entrepreneurs and self- employed.
The remainder are professionals such as doctors and accountants.
"The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do."

Think About Your Working Life


The Power of Money
Goals add purpose to life.
*Purpose is the compass!
*Goals provide the action to achieve.
They are the first step to turning dreams into reality.
Desire to achieve generates the power of action -
*It sparks the initial motivation to identify what we truly.
*It keeps you focused through targeted steps toward a desired goal.
Think About Your Lifestyle Goals!
We work to earn and not be limited by money.
We work to invest so we can gain financial freedom.
There are those in the unfortunate position of being unemployed or work in a dead-end job that provides little satisfaction.
Unskilled jobs are generally routine involving little imagination and creativity.
People employed in these jobs are paid low wages and promotions may be difficult to come by - it’s just a job which provides a means of meeting obligations!
And, when an individual suddenly, loses his or her job, it can bring financial hardship and a loss of self-esteem
Why live from paycheck to paycheck?
Why spend your life in a dead-end job you do not like?
Why rely on one source of income that is never enough?
And, there is no certainty your job will be there tomorrow, next week, or next year!
When an individual or family does not have economic sufficiency, the relationship of lifestyle and health has far-reaching effects leading to challenges in meeting basic needs, reduced opportunities and increased vulnerability to various hardships that impact overall well-being.
Lack of proper nutrition, not having a dependable car or an emergency fund in the bank, struggling to pay bills makes one feel vulnerable and anxious and create relationship difficulties within the family.


Visualize Your Financial Goals


The Power of Money
Where do you see yourself one year from now?
Where do you want to be in life in the next 5, 10 or 15 years?
Why spend your life wondering "what if?"
Regret and unhappiness could measure the costs of not giving yourself a chance to rise to your full potential in life!
The years pass and then, the sudden realization that much of what we wanted to do in life will be left undone.
Pursuing your dreams leads to a sense of fulfillment.
Aligning your dreams with your values can lead to success.
It's never too late to start pursuing your dreams, regardless of your age or circumstance!
Examples of financial goals include:
*Increasing income.
*Minimizing liabilities.
*Developing a savings plan.
*Buying a home.
*Saving for retirement.
*Building an emergency fund.
*Starting a business.
*Building assets and equity.
Debt is a liability that drains you in every way.
It limits your income, your potential to save and to maintain a positive cash flow.
Spending more than you earn or living on credit cards and loans won't make you financially independent.
Wise money management will enable you to live within your means, reduce debt and, put you in control of your personal finances.
Extra Income
Benefits of creating new income streams:
*You will never have to reply on one income source and having to worry about how to make ends meet.
*Increase your investing and savings potential.
*Pay off debts.
*Pay off your mortgage.
*Increase your investing and savings potential.
A money-making mindset can to take you from where you are now to where you want to be!

The Power of Money

Set Yourself Free
Become your own boss even while you still have your current job and income.
Benefits of creating new income streams:
Ambition makes many things become possible.
It can turn dreams into reality regardless of where you are now by providing the drive, focus, and determination to set goals, overcome obstacles, and to take action to achieve.
A vision vivid vision of your ideal future guides the direction and the choices to reach a desired goal.
Financial freedom gives you the freedom of choice to live the lifestyle you desire
"Happiness is the freedom of choice. The freedom to choose where to live, what to do, what to buy, what to sell, from whom, to whom, when and how".
-Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin
Build a Money-Making Asset
Don't rely on the traditional 9-to-5 job and one source of income for your financial security.
Build an income-producing asset that will set you on the path toward financial freedom.
Income-producing assets allow you to invest into other income producing investments.
One asset can be leveraged to acquire another.
Turn your passion (a hobby, skill or knowledge) into a money-making asset doing something you love.
Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt
The Power of Money
Passion is being able to do the things we most want to do.
Our goals and our aspirations in life is being able to reach one's full potential.
Passion is vital because it fosters a sense of purpose and resilience in the face of challenges.
Passion provides the reason to learn and master skills that are relevant for reaching a goal that ultimately, opens new doors.
Passion that is enduring provides the energy, commitment and the enthusiasm to pursue those things that give meaning to life.
Traditional "Bricks and Mortar" Business
A traditional "bricks and mortar" business requires loans, daily, weekly and monthly expenses such as rent, equipment, inventory and a score of other things.
It may take years to build and working long hours.
You may need to pay to have employees.
You must consider the competition.
The time spent away from family and leisure activities.
"Pursuing your passion is fulfilling and leads to financial freedom."
- Robert G. Allen

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Online Business Opportunities


The Power of Money
A Website Becomes an Asset:
Works all Year Round, 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week!
Internet Opportunities are Global
*Can reach a worldwide market in a very cost-effective way.
*Provide instant cash-flow.
Work from Anywhere in the World!
No time clock! No Commuting! No Boss!
Low Start-Up costs! Flexible Hours!
Extra income rids you and your family of having to worry about how to make ends meet.
When you earn more than your present employment pays then, you can quit your job if you desire.
An online business opens the door to income streams that work all year round.
Online business opportunities are open for the individual and the traditional, "bricks and mortar" business owner.
Every Website Page Can Make You Money
An online business is not restrained by demographics.
It will generate income even when you’re not working at it.
An online business can become your main source of income.
Advantages of an Online Business
*Minimal risk and minimal investment due to it's low start-up and operating costs.
*A website makes your product or service immediately available to be promoted and purchased locally and globally.
*Opens new markets to expand, to diversify and attract new customers.
Your Store-Front to the World
Start an online business through your interests, skills, hobbies or ideas.
Just One Good Idea Can Change Your Life
The Power of Money
Turn Your Hobby into Income
Those individuals who follow a favorite hobby not only gain personal fulfillment they also acquire special skills and valuable experiences.
Take your favorite pastime to the next level by building a business around it.
Pass on and share what you know with people who have similar interests around the world
It could turn out to be your best financial asset providing you with an ongoing stream of affiliate income.
Profitable Niche
A niche is a more focused or smaller part of a broad market.
Your goal is to find a niche with products that have:
*High demand.
*Low competition.
*Good profit margin.
Put the initial effort to establishing an online business to reap long-term benefits of ongoing, passive and residual income that can help you reach your financial goals.
"The starting point of all achievement is desire".
-Napoleon Hill
Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Solo Build It! My goal is to bring together the best resources available and legitimate Online Business Opportunities that can work for you.
Affiliate Marketing
The Power of Money
Joining affiliate programs is the easiest way to make money online.
Benefits of Affiliate Marketing
*Free to join.
*Work from home.
*Worldwide market.
*No production costs.
*No storage, packing or shipping costs.
*No credit card processing.
*No dealing with customers or risk -the merchant handles it all
Affiliate products include:
*electronic, downloadable products like e-books (from ClickBank)
*tangible products (from Amazon) that are shipped by the merchant and sent to the customer
Get Paid for Having Links on Your Website
As an affiliate you are given an affiliate link to place on your website to promote the merchant's products.
You earn commission for generating sales, leads and/or clicks for a merchant through reference links, web banners, or other promotional content from your website.
Always look at the resources the affiliate merchant provides their affiliates such as training, marketing plans, marketing tools and support as well as your own log-in area and statistics.
The Power of Money
Drop-shipping is a retail technique used by many online entrepreneurs to sell a variety of products through their website, e-bay or Amazon to generate income without having to invest their own money.
Basically, you act as a middle-man between the customer and the drop-ship supplier.
You can promote and sell one item or a thousand to customers worldwide.
Drop-shipping is also beneficial for the "traditional bricks and mortar" retail shops who would normally have to buy the products in quantity from a wholesaler with their own money.
With a Drop-ship supplier you:
*Do not have to buy any product upfront.
*Do not have to stock inventory.
*There is no order fulfillment or up-front costs.
*Do not have to worry about shipping.
The wholesale supplier or manufacturer will ship out the products.
All you need is a computer and a resellers license and you can sell niche products through your online business.
You focus your attention on marketing, promotion and customer service.
Even the "bricks and mortar" stores and major retailers use drop shipping to reach new markets and, to offer a much wider selection of products to their customers.
The Power of Money
E-books become an asset that provide a steady stream of passive, recurring income all year round, without an income ceiling.
It provides profit and cash flow from a business that does not require direct involvement once that asset has been
Do the work once then, sell over and over again.
Your time is your main investment in developing your product.
After that, your product works for you.
E-books are instantly delivered electronically via the internet to your customer as a download making it a risk-free opportunity with nothing to lose and everything to gain!
You can self publish for next to nothing and your profit margins are high.
An e-book targeted to a specific niche is appealing because you are sharing useful information about a subject you enjoy writing about with people who need that information!

Everything You Need To Build An Online Business! - SBI!

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How to Feel Free


The Power of Money
The power of the possible begins with ambitious, goal-focused, self-disciplined individuals who have a strong sense of purpose, commitment and persistence to achieve.
*Think about the possibilities.
*Think about the rewards.
Everything starts by:
1: Deciding
2: Taking Action
These two steps set you on your way to achieving your goals in life.
"Opportunities don't happen. You create them."
-Chris Grosser
⚠️ Legal disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal, accounting, or tax advice, or a substitute for obtaining such advice specific to your business.

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