Dreams are a vision of your ideal lifestyle goals and choices of what you want to be, what you would like to do and what you would like to achieve.
*Dreams reflect desires.
*Desire is the generating power of action.
*Hope provides the resourcefulness to follow dreams.
*Values are what's truly important to you.
Visualizing your ideal lifestyle goals and choices influences inner responses to design our environment of choice.
Without a vision, a nation perishes.
Proverbs 29:18
Imagination creates opportunities to turn dreams into reality.
Imagine the possibilities.
Unique Entity
Every person is a distinct entity with unique experiences, thoughts and characteristics that shape who they are and relate on the basis of their perception of their environment that includes family, relatives, friends, neighbors, work-mates and the everyday people they see.
Assets that Matter
Lifestyle assets that matter are good health, peace of mind, a clear conscience, self respect, love and compassion for our fellow human being, a happy home, personal growth and spiritual happiness that can only be found in God and Jesus Christ.
God's Two Greatest Commandments are Love God and Love Thy Neighbor.
They define our love for God and our love for our neighbor.
God's Two Greatest Commandments turn everything into beauty with an everlasting destiny.
Love is Divinely intended to unite two people with someone they can trust unconditionally.
In the spiritual sense, love is motivated by a strong desire to serve our fellow human being without expecting anything in return.
"To Thine Own Self be True!"
Purpose is the inspiration that finds the path of fulfillment in relation to our goals and expectations.
It gives direction and builds a foundation through interests and passions.
Goals provide the direction to do what you want and when you want!
They motivate, establish priorities and keep you focused.
Plans provide the resources needed to reach each goal.
Resilience is inner strength - its all about not giving up from setbacks and challenges.
Persistence is the difference between success and failure.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams".
-Eleanor Roosevelt
“You Reap What you Sow”
Life is shaped by the choices between two or more possibilities that can:
*Dictate the future.
*Define the consequences.
Common sense choices will ultimately bless you.
Health, comfort and happiness is about wellbeing through every stage of life.
Values are the foundation of the true self.
A moral sense of right and wrong helps to make you feel guilty when you do something bad and good when you do something kind.
Simplicity is healthy living without excess baggage from material and emotional desires.
It focuses on those things that really matter.
"If you can dream it, you can do it".
- Walt Disney
Lifestyle Goals and Choices
Health and well-being - the key to independence throughout life!
It is doing things without others to help you - especially during the retirement period.
Good health and well-being directly relates to the quality of life because maximizes your chances of living a long, healthy and productive life.
Chronic illness could lead to dependency - plans for the future are all placed in the shadow.
Balance is all about living better through equal distribution of your energy that sustains you physically, mentally and emotionally.
A well-balanced, nutritionally rich diet is the foundation of good health and vitality.
Poor food choices, lack of physical exercise as well as other negative lifestyle choices may put your health at risk and bring much suffering.
Health Goals
*Imagine a well-toned body.
*A fat-free waistline.
*Vitality that oozes robust, healthy living.
A healthier, fitter and more productive lifestyle requires balance at every age of life to function in complete harmony.
The right program of diet, exercise and attitude supports physical and mental well-being, staying youthful, having more energy and reduces the risk of disease.
Any kind of physical exercise that stimulates better circulation and deeper breathing is good to improve or maintain overall health.
Fresh air, sunshine, proper rest and the right amount of sleep provides energy, clear thinking and alertness that will give you that "good-to-be-alive feeling.
Creative activities such as a hobby, walking for health, spending time with family or friends or enjoying the beauties of God's natural world provides a healthy and enriching diversity.
CAUTION: Before undertaking any program of exercise or change in diet consult your doctor.
Lifestyle Goals and Choices
Family is where we should always find love and the bond of belonging.
Home should always have that sense of strong family bonds where children may grow and develop to their full potential.
Parents should be inspiring role models to set their children on the path to becoming useful and responsible citizens of the future.
There are many forms of friendship that we make throughout life.
True friends offer the unique benefits of companionship, keeping us active and bringing us joy through a sense of belonging.
They offer mutual trust and respect, support, understanding and a sense of care for one another.
Childhood friends are unique and special because they were formed when we were children - they are the true friendships that last a lifetime!
A major portion of life goes towards:
*Earning a living.
*Securing your financial freedom for the future.
A good education will:
*Train you for a career or to advance in the one you have.
*Help you find employment easier, re-enter the work force or to change jobs.
*Improve your competence in your work.
*Provide a better income, save and invest for the future.
*Provide promotion opportunities and job satisfaction.
*Help you to develop natural abilities.
People with a lower education or with little or no skills generally start at a lower level of pay that increases slowly.
Not much job satisfaction - work is generally routine and usually monotonous
Career or Just a Job
Education, specialized skills, experience and personal development are more important than ever before because they help you build the life that is well suited to you.
Unskilled jobs are generally boring, involve little imagination and offer low wages which provide meet basic obligations.
When an individual suddenly, loses their job, it can bring real financial hardship and a loss of self-esteem.
There are colleges, institutes of further education, universities, correspondence schools and workshops offering a broad range of full-time and part-time-courses.
Time, money and effort spent on you, is an investment you make on your future.
Find Your Passion
Do the things you find exciting.
Explore your potential.
Learn things you enjoy.
That's how you find your passion and opportunity.
Doing what you love makes you more dedicated, more productive and enthusiastic.
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."
– Henry Ford
Lifestyle Goals and Choices
Self-sufficiency - cornerstone of Financial Freedom.
"Happiness is the freedom of choice. The freedom to choose where to live, what to do, what to buy, what to sell, from whom, to whom, when and how".
-Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin
Think About Your Lifestyle Goals!
Financial freedom enhances your quality of life and gives you the freedom of choice to live the lifestyle you desire.
It’s all about building wealth and giving you financial security for the future.
Pay Yourself First
Saving helps you reach financial goals.
Paying yourself first every time you get paid between 10% and 20% of your weekly or monthly disposable income before you pay any other bills establishes a regular savings program.
Regular savings opens opportunities to investing wisely in long-term wealth through a regular money generating asset with the emphasis on safety.
Always get advice from registered and experienced finance experts and firms that best meet your personal financial needs.
Credit Cards
A credit card can create a vicious cycle of accumulating more debt that eventually makes it difficult to make ends meet.
Making only the minimum payment due each month will only make it difficult to get out of debt because the minimum payment includes mostly interest.
Out of control debt requires a credit counseling service that can help create a debt elimination program through a realistic repayment plan that you should stick to.
When you pay off a credit card, close the account.
Lifestyle Goals and Choices
The Aspiring Entrepreneur
Why live from paycheck to paycheck?
Why spend your life in a dead-end job you do not like?
Why rely on one source of income that is never enough?
Money-making goals take you from where you are now to where you want to be.
Build an asset that provides a constant source of cash flow all year round.
Income-producing assets allow you to invest into other income producing investments.
You achieve financial freedom by investing into the ideas and ways that "make money."
Lifestyle Goals and Choices
Extra Income
Extra income rids you and your family of only source of income and having to worry about how to make ends meet.
As an aspiring entrepreneur, you have the desire to own a business and that creative spirit to turn that interest into financial gain.
Online Business Opportunities
"Find a niche and fill it".
An online business is not restrained by demographics.
It offers unique advantages for people seeking new career paths without risking hard-earned savings.
Turn your ideas, knowledge, passion, skills or interest into a business that can earn through multiple income streams, 7 days a week, all-year round.
Online business opportunities are open for the individual and the traditional, "bricks and mortar" business owner.
"The starting point of all achievement is desire".
-Napoleon Hill
Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Solo Build It! My goal is to bring together the best resources available and legitimate Online Business Opportunities that can work for you.
Everything You Need To Build An Online Business! - SBI!
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In the Bible, light is a symbol of holiness, goodness and hope.
By contrast, darkness is associated with evil, sin, and despair.
When our "heart spiritually awakens" our lives have meaning, a purpose and an eternal destiny.
Our relationships take on a greater meaning.
Faith, love, hope and peace of mind deepen through spiritual inspiration.
And, you will "see" through eyes of faith, God’s Presence within and around you.
We cannot experience, understand, or relate to God when, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Assets of the Mind
*Positive attitude - optimism and resilience with "I can" and "it is possible".
*Clear conscience - the moral compass always points in an ethical direction.
*Self respect - treat people like you want to be treated.
*Peace of mind - moments when the mind is absorbed by beauty and inner contentment.
*Spiritual fulfillment - spiritual realities provide a meaning to this life and the everlasting life to come.
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