Serving God

Glorifying God by Service
Serving God is the root from which all good works and deeds flow that fill the mind and soul with happiness.
James 4:6 says, "God gives Grace to the humble."
We Glorify God through faith, worship and service.
Jesus Christ came to serve and to give.
Jesus said: "For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give - large or small - will be used to measure what is given back to you."
(TLB, Luke 6:38)
To serve and to give builds spiritual assets and reaps God's spiritual blessings.

Worldly Values

Secularism distorts what is good and wholesome.
Worldly values of power, status, money, materialism and sensual pleasures make the individual less spiritual.
They cause the loss of principles that lead to the good society.
Victims of worldly values are the epitome of the vain and self-serving.
Those who step away from the boundaries of their God-given conscience are inviting calamity.
Worldly values can never create a happy home, a wholesome family or a good society.

God's Laws of Life

God's Laws of life define our love for Him and our love for each other.
A scribe once asked Jesus, "What commandment is the foremost of all?"
Jesus answered, "The foremost is, 'The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.'
The Second Great Commandment
'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no other commandment greater than these'.
(NAS, Mark 12:28-31)
Love thy neighbor as thyself is an ethical principle of the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) Jesus taught in His Sermon on the Mount.

Wholesome Families

The family is the basic social unit around which everything in society revolves.
Dysfunctional families destroy society.
Jesus Christ says, "This is the way to a meaningful, just and wholesome existence".
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
Matthew 5:16
A happy home with loving, caring parents who have strong family values, are the strength of a society.
Parents who teach their children from infancy, Christian values and virtues, ultimately bring every child closer to God.
Serving God Starts with Serving our Family
*Traditional families live wholesome lives through a spirit of togetherness.
*Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained by God in church.
*Going to church is a way of life for the whole family.
Children need to learn about the bonds of family, follow the path of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ to greener pastures,  seek refuge through God and to have pride in their country.
Rituals create a sense of identity, a feeling of belonging and enlightened family and community environments.
Special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, important Saint's Days, birthdays, Name Days, anniversaries, Mother's Day, Father's Day and any other important traditional holiday should always be observed and celebrated for their special significance.
The Gift of Family
"Some people are born into wonderful families.
Others have to find or create them.
Being a member of a family is a priceless membership
that we pay nothing for but love."
- Jim Stovall

Serving God by Serving Others

God Blesses Those Who Serve Others
God weaves His Goodness through humble people who have a positive impact on society.
Helping other people is what the Humble and Loving Jesus did and preached.
To serve and to give define Christian life.
Through serving and giving, we express our gratitude to God through our unique talents, personalities and abilities for the benefit of our church, our community and our fellow human being.
Those who give generously of their time and energy is one of the values that make their community stronger and bring it closer together.
Serving God through good works and good deeds is a way of life that is culturally and spiritually enriched.
"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members".
- Coretta Scott King

Serving the Church

Serving God by Serving Our Church
The needs of a church require caring individuals who volunteer their time to provide valuable support with one or more of their many programs.
People who serve their church for the Glory of God, share in the Prophetical Office of our dear Lord, Jesus Christ Who came to serve and to give.
They serve with a sense of humility, a sense of belonging and a sense of Christian identity that makes their community a better place.
As faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, their passion for service reaches even, beyond the walls of their church that makes them productive citizens of their community.
Ministry of a Priest
The Christian faith of a priest becomes the center of their life.
They find their passion in Serving God and to share in the Special Mission of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ to fulfill the spiritual needs of their flock and to guide their flock to the light of truth.

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