Seeing Beyond This World


Seeing beyond this world we have a sense that there is Something beyond this life and Someone beyond this world.
Seeing beyond this world is a place where love, justice, peace and joy reign supreme.
When Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36) He is referring to God's Heavenly Kingdom.
Who are we? Why are we here? Is there life after death?
Christianity is an organized approach to human spirituality that links earthly life to the everlasting life in God's Heavenly Kingdom through Jesus Christ .
It begins with a recognition of a Higher Power and the Biblical Revelation based on faith to comprehend spiritual realities beyond the physical realm.
Christianity gives humanity a reason to life in this world and in the eternal world to come in God's Heavenly Kingdom.
With faith, we see the world differently and live in the world differently!
God's Heavenly Kingdom of Light, Beauty and Love formed the central theme of Jesus Christ's Preaching.
It is a major theme of the Bible throughout the Four Gospels.
David the Shepherd
David, the young shepherd boy who gained fame for killing the Philistine warrior, Goliath was anointed as the King of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah by the prophet, Samuel established Jerusalem as his capital
He also became famous for his sacred psalms, the Hebrew (Jewish) hymns of praise and worship to God.
The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23), written by David, is one of the most beloved of all psalms found in the Old Testament of the Bible.
David portrays God as his Shepherd and his Protector who will lead him to greener pastures and that he would lack nothing.
For Christians, Jesus Christ is the "Good Shepherd" who came to lead His flock to God's “well-worn paths" and Who went to the Cross so we can gain salvation in God's Heavenly Kingdom.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the LORD forever.
-Psalm 23:6

Seeing Beyond This World


There is more to life than the physical horizons of this world.
*In this life, we access the physical realm of God's Kingdom - it is the first stage to something far greater than one could ever imagine.
Physical life is temporary - where sin, sickness, disease, and infirmities hold humanity in bondage.
All things come to an end.
*There is also a spiritual realm that exists beyond the physical realm.
This is the second dimension of God's Kingdom, the everlasting Heavenly, Community of God, our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Virgin Mary, the Saints, Prophets, and Angels.
*God is a Spirit.
*Heaven is a Spiritual World.
*God gifted mankind with a Spiritual Soul.
Life becomes precious when we know there is an eternal destiny.
The Biblical revelation of salvation of the soul should lead us to become responsible for our lives.
The Gift of Salvation can only come from God through Jesus Christ.
Seeing Beyond This World
Near Death Experiences
People who have had Near Death Experiences all say that their soul is resurrected with a sound mind, intellect and emotions in the Heavenly Kingdom of God.
They experience a youthful rejuvenation beyond description.
And, there is no sickness, sadness or pain.
From people who had Near Death Experiences (NDE) they witnessed people who had passed on to Heaven all looking around their early thirties - in Heaven a body tarnished by time on earth will be completely restored to its prime of life.
It means that a person could reach 100 years of age in physical life - in Heaven they will be resurrected to the Age of Thirty-Three, the Age Jesus Christ Died on the Cross on that First Good Friday and was Resurrected to Everlasting Life and Glory on that First Easter Sunday.
His Resurrection represents victory over death and everlasting life in God's Heavenly Kingdom.
Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die".
- John 11:25-26


Spiritual Beauty


Seeing Beyond This World
Spiritual beauty goes beyond physical appearance; it's the unfading inner beauty of the mind and the soul.
It is your inner self that defines and differentiates you from the rest.
It manifests in qualities such as joy, love, humility, gentleness and compassion which is of great worth in God's Sight.
It reflects in how we treat ourselves and those around us.
They sense God's Presence within, above, around and beyond.
The Beauty of God fills the mind and soul of the spiritual rich with an inner peace that defines who you are, how you view the world around you and how you interact within it.
The Beauties of nature are all around in God's Wonderful World that fill the mind and soul with an inner sense of peace and tranquility - these are the moments that provide a sense of connection to a much greater whole.
The spiritual beauty of spring, a season that symbolizes the rebirth of nature as trees bud, flowers bloom, and animals awaken from hibernation. after months of cold weather and a barren landscape, brings a sense of rejuvenation, hope and optimism - a chance for new beginnings.
The Spiritual Beauty of Christmas is the celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ.
Its Spiritual Beauty manifests in its very own traditional pageantry, customs, its wonderful Christmas Carols and the traditional family feast that brings out the best in all of us.
And for children around the world, it is exciting because it is time for gifts from Father Christmas (Santa Claus) and family - and for the older, we become children again.
These are the beauties of God Who made it all.
“For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen”
(Romans 11:36)


God is The MAKER and the CREATOR


Seeing Beyond This World
God is the Creator of Heaven and the Universe!
The Architect and Designer of everything!
God is the Alpha and the Omega - the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet because He is from everlasting to everlasting (Revelation 1:8)
We have the marvellous mental faculties of thought, perception, imagination, intuition and will to shape our world according to our desires.
The human mind provides the ability to think, reason, make decisions, acquire knowledge and to make plans for the future.
And, we have a conscience to give us a sense of right and wrong.
We also have a spiritual mind filled with holy desires for the things that please God.
Holy desires come from the Holy Spirit dwelling within to experience God's Blessings and to fulfill our purpose that adds value to life.
*We sow in order to reap.
*Sowing kindness, reaps kindness.
*Sowing to satisfy sinful desires will harvest decay.
Seeing Beyond This World
Buried Treasure
A rich farmer in ancient Greece who was dying, said to his sons, "My treasure is buried in the fields. If you would be rich, dig for it."
After the old man's death, the two sons, dug and toiled, turning up the soil in every field but did not find any buried treasure.
When spring came and there was no sign of a treasure chest, they abandoned their search so the fields can be sown with corn.
Then, summer came producing a bountiful harvest they enjoyed!
In digging the land, the boys had found the riches they were had seeking.
When our "heart spiritually awakens" our lives have meaning, a purpose and an eternal destiny.
As God directed, "Think of me and I will think of you".
A servant of God has their heart set on the acquisition of spiritual assets through serving God, our family and our fellow human being.
As Christians, we look to God as our refuge, Jesus Christ as our Savior, The Blessed Virgin Mary (Greek: The Theotokos) who can intercede with her Son, Jesus Christ, the Saints and the Angels.
Seeing Beyond This World
Saints have achieved higher levels of holy life through the Scriptural Virtues of justice, piety, fidelity, love, fortitude and gentleness.
Many individuals have a special bond and confidence in their own Patron Saint who they look to for help and guidance when caught up in the trap's of life's difficulties.
“Angel” in the Bible is translated from the Hebrew word "malach" and the Greek word "angelos", both meaning “messenger”.
The Bible tells us that Angels were created to do God's Will.
They warn, comfort, and guide people by communicating God's Messages to them.
Archangel Michael (name means “who is like God”) leads all of the Holy Angels as a Warrior to protect and strengthen people's faith.
We pray to Michael when we face temptation against the powers of evil.
Archangel Gabriel
Gabriel (name means “hero of God”) is a Messenger who communicates God's most important announcements to humans so they will apply them to their lives.
Archangel Gabriel is known as the "Left Hand of God" and is remembered for announcing to Mary that she will be the Mother of God’s only Son.
Jesus Christ says, "This is the way to a meaningful, just and wholesome existence".


Near Death Experiences
Ian McCormack -NDE
Ian McCormack was an atheist, living a totally worldly lifestyle, when he got stung by 5 deadly jellyfish, died and went to hell, then to heaven, due to his Christian mother's prayers, and back!
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True Life Story of an ex-Atheist, Ian McCormack's Near Death Experience (NDE)

Videos of Near-Death-Experiences

The following videos have copyright.
You can put the links below in the You Tube search browser to see true-life stories of people who had Near-Death-Experiences.

Near Death Experience Puts Man Face-to-Face With God

What This Horse Told Me in Heaven Will Melt Your Heart

Ian McCormack - an Atheist - Dead on Morgue Slab - Goes to Hell, then to Heaven and Back!!

Routine Surgery Opens Door to Heaven -

90 Minutes in Heaven

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