Spiritual Travel Tours are sacred journeys that satisfy the inner self.
Spiritual Travel Tours offers an opportunity to explore the most basic of human desires-union with God.
Spiritual Travel Tours of faith, piety and tranquility spark your imagination and give one a sense of being a part of something greater than we could ever imagine.
Greece is known for its history, culture and for its rich spiritual heritage. It is uniquely blessed with many fine churches, monasteries and wonderful festivals.
Throughout Greece you will see many tiny secluded monasteries dotted throughout the country. Many who stop by to light a candle and pray feel as if they are close to God in the presence of their few icons.
Surrounded by the quiet of nature, these little monasteries provide tranquility and spiritual renewal for the body, mind and soul. As you pray, the spiritual energy seems to fill one with an indescribable peace of mind.
Spiritual Travel Tours are journeys of faith.
Spiritual Travel Tours are journeys of discovery.
The small, village of Mesanagros is just one of the many historical riches of Rhodes Island that is blessed with an abundance of these wonderful little places of inspiration.
Mesanagros, with its cultivated hills and valleys, its clean air and natural surroundings make up pictures which calm the senses. On its quiet, winding rural roads and dirt tracks you will find its spiritual trails with their picturesque little hilltop monasteries that dot and enhance the beauty of the rugged landscape.
Monastery Skiathi-Mesanagros
Spiritual Travel Tours takes you away from the world of hustle and bustle. Uncrowded and surrounded by the quiet of nature these little hilltop monasteries inspire those who have the eyes of faith to appreciate the simple things that others don't take time to see.
Mountain scenery, the miles of beautiful coastline, panoramic views, serene little monastery in a picture postcard setting the hilltop monastery of Skiathi offers solitude and peace of mind in the tranquility of Southern Rhodes.
Located about 6km from Mesanagros, it is famous for its miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Panayia Skiatheni).
September 7th and 8th is its festival with church services followed by a paniyiri (festival) of feasting and dancing.
The atmosphere inside the little monastery radiates a powerful spiritual intensity and a sense of connection to a much greater whole.
The breathtaking views of Monastery Skiathi takes in its panoramic surrounding landscape as well as its numerous inlets and islets.
Its panoramic views are ample reward to make the trip there worthwhile.
Ktenia Islet can be seen just a few kilometres out to sea. Legend has it to be a petrified pirate ship.
The monastery was originally founded in the 13th C. AD and was known as Ayios Stavros (Holy Cross).
In the 15th C. AD, a heretic stabbed the icon causing blood to flow from the Blessed Virgin Mary’s right cheek. The heretics hand was instantly paralyzed. The wound on the cheek and stains around it are still visible.
Many a poor heart has come in quiet humility, seeking solace and spiritual guidance. They light their candles and pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The icon is hung with the pendants placed there by people in gratitude, silently bearing witness to its many miracles.
Kosmas and Erini Kakou
It was in the idyllic surroundings of the beautiful and tranquil little monastery of Skiathi that Kosmas and Erini served God and their fellow human being.
It was a way of life that was spiritually enriched through good works and good deeds.
For them, true Christian faith was meant to be “lived out” in real and practical ways.
For Kosmas and Erini Kakou, from the little hilltop village of Mesanagros belief and faith were not just words.
They were not only true Christians who went to church and prayed, they also lived it and shared it with their fellow man and devoted their lives to serving God through a rich variety of works.
Here is a story of love and devotion for God. The historic little monastery Skiathi, located about six kilometers from Mesanagros, was for eight years, the humble home for Kosmas and Erini Kakou.
Their lives were guided by the principles of simplicity, self-sufficiency and Worship for God, for our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints.
They worked its fields and gardens, provided food, drink and accomodation for guests and weary travelers and shared with them the abundant love of God.
Every Sunday and on all holy days, Orthodox churches celebrate their most important service, the Divine Liturgy.
This service is seen as a reenactment of the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the means by which we achieve union with God and with each other through the Sacraments.
Papa Matheos Stamatakis
Its Sunday morning and the church bells of Taxiarhis ring in every direction across the hills and valleys of Mesanagros.
The priest of Mesanagros, Papa Matheos Stamatakis stands in front of the Holy Doors of the altar of his church wearing his sacramental vestments and begins the Divine Liturgy. His psalti, Mihalis Pizimolas assists by chanting the responses of the beautiful Byzantine hymns.
As he prays in his serene, peaceful voice, he calls upon his flock to live in love and hope. There is a distinct air of spirituality and an inner sense of peace and harmony among his congregation.
Humble people in this little church bow to acknowledge Jesus Christ in their lives and to Worship Him as the Light of their world.
At the end of the service, he gives his blessing as every member of his small congregation silently file through to kiss his hand as he distributes the antitheron bread to everybody as a sign of brotherly love.
God abides here and we are standing in His Presence on Holy Ground.
Orthodox Chanting
Christian faith exercises a remarkable power because it leads the individual to serve God and to manifest a Christian spirit in all they do.
For Mihalis Pizimolas, he knew what serving God is all about. He was brought up in a loving Christian home environment and with the beautiful, centuries-old rural traditions of his Southern Rhodes heritage that strengthen the bonds of faith, family and community.
He has entered into a lifetime of service and provided his time and talent for the benefit of his church, his community and his fellow human being.
Many magnificent voices have chanted the enduring and timeless liturgical Byzantine chants to the Glory of God, our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Virgin Mary and to the Saints.
Spiritual Travel Tours focus on inspiring artwork that help us to grow in faith.
The term icon comes from the Greek word “eikon” which means a pictorial representation depicting the people and events from the Holy Bible.
Even from the beginnings of Christianity, Luke the Evangelist painted icons of our Blessed Virgin as well as icons of Apostles Peter and Paul.
Orthodox Christian art was developed in the 4th century AD in the Byzantine capital of Constantinople. Through the Edict of Milan (313AD) the Orthodox Church became free to communicate the Word of the Gospels to the Christian faithful.
Icons became a pictorial means that helped the new converts to grow in faith since most could not read.
Icons and painted wall frescos of the scenes of Christ’s Life adorn all Orthodox churches and are an important part of its liturgy and mystical traditions.
In most Greek homes as well as buildings, places of business and even the family car proudly adorn at least one or more icons of Jesus Christ, our Blessed Virgin Mary or their Patron Saint.
Creating reverence in worship and a link to God.
Shaped and fashioned by the creative hands of Ioannis Manolas, his purpose is to communicate through his icons the power and the beauty of the great Liturgical Mysteries.
Yianni, from the small, Southern Rhodes village of Vati, took up iconography in the Byzantine tradition after he retired from his working life.
It is a labor of love and devotion to God and to his Greek Orthodox faith. His icons are stunningly beautiful. Each new work he undertakes is a new spiritual journey that Yianni engenders with his heart.
Working in silence, many hours of meticulous design preparation and painting are necessary to portray each new icon’s spiritual essence that help us to grow even closer to the beauty that can be found only in God and His Heavenly Kingdom.
Creating Icons of Christian faith and inspiration.
Pantelis Giannouris has been blessed by God with an unbelievable gift.
As a Greek Orthodox Christian and a dedication that is steeped in the Orthodox iconographic tradition, he expresses with a humble heart, the Spirit, Grace and Mystical Energy of God, our dear Lord Jesus Christ, our Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints.
Written and nurtured in Orthodoxy, every one of his icons becomes Holy. And, every icon, brings to the heart, mind and soul of the Orthodox faithful, the power and the beauty of the great Liturgical Mysteries.
Spiritual Travel Tours are for those who seek inner peace.
Spiritual Travel Tours are for those who seek to commune with God.
Spiritual Travel Tours are for those who seek Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, who leads His flock to greener pastures.
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