Cultural Renewal

Travel enriches the mind and soul.
Every country in the world opens your eyes to a different culture, people, history, language and landscape.
It is found in the food, clothing, music, dances, art, songs, customs, beliefs, religion and legends of its people.  
Culture is a way of life that has been inherited from family, community and society which is passed on from generation to generation.
Its distinctive cultural assets shape the values and traditions to create a sense of belonging.
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."
-Saint Augustine

Pride in Country

The flag of every country is its national symbol proclaiming sovereignty.
Patriotism (national pride) is the ideology of love and devotion to a homeland with other citizens who share the same values and traditions.
Down the avenues of the past are the old-fashioned values and traditions that created close-knit family environments and communities of purpose.
In this fast-paced world of radical change it is important for people to preserve and to continue to practice the ceremonies of their heritage.
Family traditions, festive customs,cultural and spiritual rituals have to be rediscovered to foster a sense of pride and to make a better future for ourselves and our children.
They provide a strong foundation throughout life that help to make a better mother and wife, father and husband and son and daughter.

Western Civilization

Every human being has the rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.
These are the values that shape the western world through democracy, capitalism, science and Christianity.
The Foundation  Western Civilization:   
1. Logic and Reason - Athens
The Greek word "philosophia," means the love for knowledge and wisdom.
Ancient Athens represented logic and reason as expressed by the great ancient Greek philosophers.
Logic influences a person's choices that ultimately affect their lifestyle.
Reason is associated with applying logic based on new or existing information.
History’s most brilliant thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle laid that foundation of Western thought.
They include:
*Thales Of Miletus
First Greek philosopher of the Milesian School that focused on natural science.
Father of western thought of the ethical tradition.
Founder of the Platonist school of thought and the Academy - the first center of higher learning in the Western world.
Greek philosopher who tutored Alexander the Great and founder of the Lyceum Peripatetic school of Philosophy in the Aristotelian tradition.
2. Judeo-Christian Tradition - Jerusalem
Christianity has a religious continuity with Judaism, the ancient spiritual heritage of the Jews.
Judeo-Christian values has its roots in the Holy Bible.
Christianity gives humanity their greatest asset - Faith in God and Jesus Christ!
Christianity takes its name from the Greek word "Christ" meaning "Anointed One" (with the Blessing of God).

Photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash

Greek National Anthem

The National Anthem of a country is the patriotic musical composition that evokes the history, traditions and beliefs of a nation and its people.
It reminds them of their nation's glorious history and heritage.
The Greek National Anthem - Hymn to Liberty, written by Dionysios Solomos in 1823 and set to music by Nikolaos Mantzaros is the largest anthem in the world consisting of 158 stanzas and is the only national anthem to extol freedom.
It was inspired by the Greek War of Indpendence (1821 -1829) by a proud people in their pursuit of freedom against Ottoman occupation.
The Greeks went to war proclaiming "Elefteria I Thanatos" - "Liberty or Death."
The Greek Flag
The Greek flag's blue and white design means "Greece" to everyone.
The Cross of Jesus Christ on the upper left-hand represents the sacred symbol of Greek Orthodox Christian faith.
It also represents the important role the Greek Orthodox Church played in the fight for independence from Ottoman rule.
The church helped the oppressed Greeks to retain their Hellenic identity, language and Orthodox faith.
The nine stripes on the flag represents the nine letters in the word "Elefteria" (written in Greek lettering), the Greek word for freedom.

Community Culture

Community activity is a vital resource.
Community-minded people embody the values and spirit of service for the good of their community.
Those who give generously of themselves make a difference.
It develops the individual, benefits the community and enriches the nation.
Never is life more noble than when we do things unto God.

Cultural Renewal

Evil ideologies are destroying traditional ways of life and wholesome values that lead to the good society
The junk culture accepted in today's Western world can never create a happy home, a wholesome family or a responsible society.
The youth of today need to know:
*the meaning of liberty and what it cost to achieve it.  
*the history of their country and how its people got to where they are today.
*their own culture which has been handed down from past generations.
*the beautiful and inspiring spiritual assets of God to help open their eyes to spiritual realities beyond the physical world.

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