Hope and Faith

Hope and faith are intimately connected.

Both give a sense of optimism.

Hope opens the path to possibilities.

Faith gives us confidence in what we hope for.

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

Hope and Faith

Hope and faith help us to persist despite adversity.

We need a sense of hope in the midst of losses and failures.

Uncertainty limits the future, stifles potential and dissipates opportunity.

What we focus on, we get more of the same.

Problems take on a new perspective, when you have the healing and redemption that comes from God.

People have moved mountains because God's Spirit within enlightens the heart to give an inner sense of peace and comfort.

You just have to have the desire to make it happen.

A resilient mindset provides the emotional strength to overcome challenges.

The old English proverb says, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Hope thrives in the mind.

It means anticipation of good things to come, carrying our deepest wishes and desires.

When we envision a brighter future it increases positive emotions.

This is optimism grounded on four simple principles:

*Goals (the first step toward achievement).

*Planning (pathways to goals).

*Action (initiative to make things happen).

*Persistence (the difference between success and failure).

These four principles are necessary for achievement.

Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount that “every good tree bears good fruit” (Matthew 7:17).


There are people who don’t believe in things that they cannot see.

They fail to "see" God's Miracles all around them.

Faith is a spiritual asset that opens our eyes to spiritual realities.

When you board an aeroplane, you have faith in the pilot to take you to your destination.

In the spiritual sense, faith opens our eyes to "see" God’s Presence within, around and beyond.

We believe in God unconditionally - this is trust.

God becomes our refuge.

Jesus Christ is our Companion throughout life.

Faith makes us rich in love and goodness through serving God, our family and our fellow human being.

Its unseen currents strengthen, inspires and gives us hope that goes beyond the conscious mind.

Faith gives that feeling of inner-strength to move mountains in adversity.

It leads us to salvation through repentance and forgiveness.

Faith speaks the language of the soul that is looking toward an everlasting future in the Heavenly Kingdom of God.

“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”

— Thomas Aquinas

Faith in Yourself

A vivid vision opens your eyes to goals and their end result.

Passion that is enduring provides the energy, commitment and the enthusiasm for achievement.

When you are doing what you love, opportunity begins to open new doors.

The strong desire of faith can mean the difference between giving up and going on.

Hope and faith is the pathway to finding solutions through the power of the imagination.

Choices define the consequences.

What happens next and how it will manifest is about what you do today.

Present Actions Determine Future Results

"The starting point of all achievement is desire".

-Napoleon Hill

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