Quality of Life


The quality of life is personal - it concerns the way each individual lives through every stage of life.
It involves fulfilling personal desires such as being satisfied with who you are, with what you've done and with what you hope to do in the future.
It includes loving family and friendship relationships, meaningful work and career paths and making time for things one likes to do.
Happy people can think better and enjoy life more - they radiate an inner contentment because they have peace of mind.
Universal Markers
While everyone's idea of quality of life varies, there are universal markers that define meaningful paths of purpose.
Our goals, our aspirations and our dreams all revolve around our quality of life in which we live in relation to our goals and expectations.
Generally, the best possessions one can have in life are good health, peace of mind, to have self-respect, a clear conscience, to have love and compassion for their fellow human being, a close and happy family, good friends, opportunities to enjoy the beauties of nature and spiritual happiness.
Our life, our personality and our talents, make us unique - it should reflect who we truly are to find our path to fulfillment.
Laws of Life
Laws of life are guideposts through the basic principles of common sense.
For example, if you want to stay healthy, you want to follow health and wellness guidelines.
Happy life is all about people who live in tune with their values.
Simple, everyday things like family, friends, hobbies and enjoying the beauties God's natural world brings happiness and a contented mind.
Simple habits like a positive attitude and stress management help keep you feeling your best.
Common Sense Principles
*Carry a light load without excess baggage.
*Avoid extremes, the unnecessary and harmful.
*Make time to "stop and smell the roses".
When we have these, we can count our blessings.
"To Thine Own Self be True"
Our values are the foundation of our true selves.
The future is in your imagination - visualizing a goal and its end result!
Doing what you love makes you more dedicated, more productive and enthusiastic.
Unrealized dreams, untapped potential, wasted opportunities all lead to nowhere in particular.
The power of the mind visualizes dreams that lead to self-fulfillment.
Finding meaning in life impacts optimal wellness.
Desire is the generating of a positive mindset.
Goals inspire us to take advantage of opportunities or to reach our potential.
They give a direction, they motivate, establish priorities and provide the energy to keep you focused on a purpose.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams".
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Power of the Mind

Quality of Life
"We Become What We Think"
We respond to the way in which we think, feel, believe, behave and act.
A growth mindset seeks opportunities that translate into achievement.
It embraces failure as a learning opportunity.
Negative attitudes restrict the mind.
Positive thinking brings positive results.
Choices determine an ultimate destiny.
Peace of Mind
Peace of mind affects the quality of life.
Problems and setbacks bring feelings of being at the mercy of the unknown.
Fear weighs us down with uncertainty.
Unsolved problems seem to pull one on a downward spiral to nowhere.
We seek peace of mind in the face of adversity.
De-cluttering the mind eliminates the irrelevant.
“Hope is the light that shines brightest in the darkest of nights.”
The bigger picture takes shape when the individual says “yes I can do this.”
Jesus said to him, "'If you can, all things are possible for one who believes."
Power Within
Creative use of the imagination creates opportunities.
A goal gives a direction and brings various elements into an orderly system.
Your Conscience
Inner peace is the absence of mental stress or anxiety.
We need peace of mind to ease our conscience and to being more productive.
The conscience will tell you what is right and what is wrong.

Quality of Life


Spiritual Fulfillment
The question of life after physical death has remained an enigma (mystery) through the ages.
The spiritual rich know that there is something beyond this life that can only be found through faith in God and Jesus Christ.
The soul longs for eternal contact with God because it is everlasting - it will continue to live forever.
For this very reason, the soul is worth more than the whole world and everything in it.
Christian Church
Every Sunday the Christian faithful go to church to hear the Voice of God and the find Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, Who came to lead His flock to greener pastures.
The Family
We invest in the family through teaching, leading and being a model of all we say and do.
In a warm and loving home, strong family bonds are forged and where children may grow and develop to their full potential.
The Fourth Commandment to honor thy father and mother creates societies that thrive through wholesome families.
Bonds Friendship
There are many forms of friendship that we make throughout life.
Childhood friends are unique and special because they were formed when we were children.
Other friends may come and go but, childhood friendships were forged with bonds that were built on innocence, mutual affection and a wealth of happiness filled with fun and carefree days.
Childhood friends understand you in special ways because they know how you were as a child.
They know your family.
They made you feel like you were a part of their family.
You lived in the same neighborhood or street, went to the same school, you shared common backgrounds or interests and, you grew up with them.
Your mutual affection, trust and support knows no bounds.
These are the friends with whom you can reminisce of the good times from your past.
These are the genuine friendships that last forever.
Self Respect
The golden rule of self-respect is to treat yourself in a way that you treat others
It's staying true to your values that lead to self-discipline.
Secularism and godlessness has distorted what is good and wholesome.
It is reflected in loose standards, rootlessness, dysfunctional families and self-destructive behaviors that manifest in immorality, addictions, violence and evil.
Good Society
A good society has a rich, dominant culture and is politically stable and where wholesome families respect common decency and authority.
God's Wonderful Creations
Quality of Life
Tranquility, when the mind is absorbed by beauty and inner contentment.
Take a quiet country road and follow it out to God's wonderful Creations.
Enjoying the beauties of nature is a good example of tranquility.
The visual delights of a sunrise or sunset reminds us of our spiritual side.
The healing energy of a tranquil mind gives you a sense of something greater than you could ever imagine.
Two Greatest Commandments
God's Laws of life define our love for Him and our love for each other.
A scribe once asked Jesus, "What commandment is the foremost of all?"
Jesus answered, "The foremost is, 'The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.'
The Second Great Commandment
'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no other commandment greater than these'.
(NAS, Mark 12:28-31)
Love thy neighbor as thyself is an ethical principle of the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) Jesus taught in His Sermon on the Mount.


Health And Well-being


Quality of Life
Good health and well-being is one of your most valuable assets - your health, your life and its length depend on it.
Serious illness calls everything into question - quality of life, family and work are all placed in an uncertain future.
Poor food choices, lack of physical exercise as well as other negative lifestyle choices eventually take their toll over time and may put your health at risk.
Fountain of Youth
The fountain of youth is a legendary spring that brought youth and cured illness to those who drank its waters.
The myth goes back to the 5th century B. C. when Greek historian Herodotus wrote of such a fountain.
In 1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León discovered Florida while searching for this eternal fountain of youth.
Maintaining or regaining that youthfulness is healthy living that invigorate the body, strengthens the immune system and reduces health risk factors.
Food should nourish and protect the body at every stage of life.
From our foods we get the essential nutrients out of which the bones, muscles, nerves, skin and all the internal organs are formed.
We also derive the energy we need in carrying on all the activities of life.
When the body does not receive these essential nutrients its cells are literally starved from some deficiency for efficient functioning - sooner or later we may find ourselves with health problems.
All Disease Begins in the Gut
-Hippocrates-Father Of Medicine
An unhealthy waistline is caused by poor lifestyle habits, poor diet, lack of exercise, being overweight and stress.
The old adage, "the smaller your waistline, the longer your lifeline" has real meaning.
A sensible diet and exercise plan is the healthiest way to a well-tapered waistline.
Prevention is always far better than the cure.
Every area of life requires balance at every stage of life.
A strong immune system defends the body against viruses, bacteria and infections which can cause inflammation and illness.
Natural foods contain more essential nutrients because they are whole foods.
Devitalized foods have been refined to the extent that many nutrients have been removed.
Quality of Life
“Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.”
Jack LaLanne (American Fitness And Nutrition Expert)
Exercise builds muscle, shape and strength, it invigorates the organs increasing the health of your heart and lungs and is also a good way of spending leisure time.
It also helps control weight, strengthens the immune system, aids in detoxification and it improves your self- esteem.
Any kind of physical exercise that stimulates better circulation and deeper breathing is good to improve or maintain overall health.
It may include walking, skipping, jogging, running, cycling, swimming and aerobics to weightlifting, yoga, team sport and any other forms of enriching practices that an individual may wish to participate.
Walking is man's best medicine.
For most people, the best exercise is walking to strengthen your heart and lower your blood pressure.
Combined with a muscle toning program, it will help firm the muscles and make you look and feel good.
Other activities like jogging, cycling, swimming or aerobics also burn calories and keep your heart healthy.
Quality of Life
To achieve any goal you must have abundant energy that enables you to get through the day.
All the energy which people need comes from food: it is burned by the body and is measured by kilojoules.
To achieve this good-to-be-alive feeling, you need to eat nutrient-rich food, regular exercise and allow yourself time to unwind.
If you eat more food than your body uses up in energy, the surplus kilojoules are stored as fat.
The right program of diet, exercise and attitude should form an important part of life.
Exercise builds muscle, shape and strength, it invigorates the organs increasing the health of your heart and lungs and is also a good way of spending leisure time.
It also helps control weight, strengthens the immune system, aids in detoxification and it improves your self- esteem.
Any kind of physical exercise that stimulates better circulation and deeper breathing is good to improve or maintain overall health.
It may include walking, skipping, jogging, running, cycling, swimming and aerobics to weightlifting, yoga, team sport and any other forms of enriching practices that an individual may wish to participate.
Setting Health Goals
Quality of Life
Imagine having a well-toned body with a fat-free waistline that radiates strength and oozes robust, healthy living.
As your body develops, you begin to gain that inner feeling of confidence that healthy living provides.
The results will be worth it.
*Visualize daily, the benefits of your health goals.
CAUTION: Before undertaking any program of exercise or change in diet consult your doctor.


Financial Freedom


Quality of Life
*We work to earn and not be limited by money.
*We work to invest so we can gain financial freedom.
Financial freedom gives you the freedom of choice to live the lifestyle you desire
It’s all about giving you financial security for the future.
The most important long-term financial goal for most people is saving enough money for retirement.
Quality of Life
The right knowledge gives you the confidence to make decisions, help you to avoid mistakes and gain new ideas.
Education is one of the most profitable forms of investment for the future because a major portion of life goes towards earning a living and to securing your financial freedom.
Demand for professional, skilled and creative people has increased while the demand for the unskilled has decreased.
You want with a job that is fulfilling, rewarding and well suited to you.
One does not have to spend his or her life in work they do not like.
A self-education mindset using your goals in life enriches the mind and create new opportunities.
There are colleges, institutes of further education, universities, online courses, correspondence schools and workshops offering a broad range of full-time and part-time-courses.
"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow".
Anthony J. D'Angelo.
Credit Cards
A credit card can be a major liability through a vicious cycle of accumulating more debt and eventually making it difficult to make ends meet.
Making only the minimum payment due each month will only make it difficult to get out of debt because you won't be able to reduce your outstanding balance because the minimum payment includes mostly interest.
If you have debt that has gone out of control a credit counseling service can help you create a debt elimination program through a realistic budget that has repayment plans that you should stick to.
Then, when you pay off a credit card, close the account.
If you have any kind of debt that you are struggling to pay, you need to increase your income.
Despite mortgages, credit cards, car payments, tax liabilities and daily household expenses, the important thing is to:
*Pay yourself first every month at least 10 percent of your income before all other payments.
*Create more income.
Pay Yourself First
Quality of Life
Saving helps you reach financial goals.
Always save between 10% and 20% of your weekly or monthly disposable income before you pay any other bills.
Paying yourself first every time you get paid establishes a regular savings program - the more you save, the sooner you will be able to begin investing.
Once you have established regular savings, you will be surprised how easy money is to borrow and the sooner you will be able to begin investing.
The Aspiring Entrepreneur
You achieve financial freedom by investing into the ideas and ways that "make money".
It begins with a clear vision of an opportunity, getting that idea to the marketplace and then turn it into a profitable reality.
Your passion can provide the direction to embark on something that is financially rewarding.
Online Business Opportunities
An online business allows an individual or existing business to create multiple income streams through a variety of marketing methods in various niche markets in the biggest marketplace in the world.
Investing wisely means seeking long-term wealth in capital and income with the emphasis on safety.
Develop your financial plan based on realistic goals.
Various investments have varying degrees of risk.
What is right for one person may be wrong for the other.
Don't invest blindly or jump in with a "get-rich-quick mentality hoping to find instant wealth.
And, remember, many advisers are no more than commission sales people who will try to sell you products, irrespective of whether they are suitable or not.
Always get advice from registered and experienced finance experts and firms that best meet your personal financial needs.
And, don't commit yourself to any investment program you can't completely understand.

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