Turning obstacles into opportunities by navigating the basic laws of life to better days ahead.
"When I felt like giving up, I remembered that there were better days ahead."
Turning obstacles of life into opportunities reflect on our choices and present us with challenges.
An obstacle can prevent action or progress caused by anxiety, self-doubt, fear or hopelessness.
Lack of imagination is an obstacle to one's advancement in life.
Obstacles can help us learn from our mistakes.
Nothing has ever been accomplished without overcoming obstacles.
We recognize our shortcomings that help us to build resilience, develop problem-solving skills, develop confidence and ultimately, reach for our goals.
Believe in yourself and your abilities.
Perceive an obstacle as a detour on the way to your goal.
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Persevere until you have triumphed over whatever challenge life has thrown your way.
Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
Adversity can weigh us down with negative emotions about the future.
It can undermine self-worth, create anxiety, fear, uncertainty and feelings of being at the mercy of the unknown.
"Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining"
The burdens of life are like dark clouds that block the sun.
At the edges of every cloud however, the sun is shining.
Look for that silver lining of hope to better days.
“Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way”
The old English proverb says, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
Positive Actions = Positive Outcomes
Two Biblical Proverbs provide the basic foundation for success:
The first proverb:
"Ask and it will be given you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you."
He who asks will receive, he who seeks will find, and,he who knocks will have the door opened to him.
The second Proverb:
"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reapeth."
The harvest you reap depends on the kind of seeds you sow.
You will not go very far unless you put forth the effort.
Adversity can make us more resilient and give us a greater appreciation for what we have.
Resilience enables the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or unfortunate circumstances.
It provides the inner strength to view challenges as stepping stones for growth.
Foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptability.
Open a new path through pursuing a goal step by step provides a positive direction to a desired end.
Interest overcomes inertia and maintains determination.
“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
*Visualize your ideal self.
*Visualize your ideal lifestyle.
The value of life depends on what we do with our time.
Aimless life ultimately brings the realization that so much of what one wanted to do will be left undone.
Pursuing dreams, like a bright shining light, creates a positive mood to endure anything and everything, knowing that there is a brighter tomorrow.
Step out of your comfort zone to embrace the challenge.
The optimist can see opportunity through ideas.
The important thing about opportunity is the individual who:
*Takes it when it comes along.
*Sets out to look for it.
"Opportunities don't happen. You create them."
-Chris Grosser
Success is governed by laws that reflect who you truly are.
A goal keeps you focused on a purpose.
The power of the mind visualizes the path toward self-fulfillment.
A positive attitude + positive thoughts = positive expectations
Choices dictate the future, define the consequences and shapes life accordingly.
“You will reap what you sow.”
Focus on what really matters - opportunities come from the simple things you love.
A goal can turn a dream into reality - it can empower you toward achievement.
Learn to live according to the laws of balance to improve the quality of life.
*Think about the possibilities.
*Think about the rewards.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams".
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Self-Fulfillment Opportunities
There is a power within that can transform the quality of life by achieving personal goals in life.
The mind and imagination offer new challenges and new hopes for creating opportunities.
Pursue dreams of the things you most desire - goal setting is the path to self-fulfillment.
Spiritual Fulfillment
The spiritual rich seek spiritual realities to find the light of hope through faith in God and Jesus Christ.
Faith gives a sense that there is Something beyond this life and Someone beyond this world - God!
The Fourth Commandment to honor thy father and mother creates close-knit families.
A happy home is where strong family bonds are forged and where children may grow and develop to their full potential.
Health and Well-Being
Healthy living is being physically, mentally, socially, intellectually and spiritually active.
A well-balanced diet, exercise and a positive attitude invigorates the body, strengthens the immune system and reduces health risk factors - it also powers an individual's efficiency, motivation and endurance.
Simplicity is like a sanctuary for the body, the mind and the soul.
We cannot be truly happy unless we have good friends.
It's also just as important that we understand what it means to be a good friend.
Culture reinforces the values and traditions that are inherited from our family, the church, community and society and is passed on from generation to generation - cultural assets create a sense of belonging.
Many individuals do not realize the full range of their abilities because they have never been developed.
Potential remains only potential until one moves to make it a reality through challenging themselves and striving to reach their goals.
Creative activities make our free time more interesting and provide us with a healthy and enriching diversity - it is also possible to build a hobby into a profitable business venture.
Financial Freedom
Financial freedom lies in the financial security it provides and the freedom of choice to live the lifestyle you desire.
Knowledge is the most profitable forms of investment for the future because a major portion of life goes toward earning a living and to securing your financial independence.
The Aspiring Entrepreneur
Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
As an aspiring entrepreneur, you have the desire to own a business and that creative spirit to turn that interest into financial gain.
Turn your ideas, knowledge, passion, skills or interest into an online business that earns income 7 days a week, all-year round through the most affordable and cost-effective forms of promotion.
Create multiple income streams in a global business that is not restricted by geographical boundaries.
A Profitable Website = Income + Asset + Freedom
Love fulfills a fundamental Law of God that benefits the individual, the family, our community and fellow human being.
Assets of the Mind
*Positive attitude
*Clear conscience
*Self respect
*Peace of mind
*Spiritual Fulfillment
Helping others is one of the values that make a difference in a community - it offers service through kindness, generosity and compassion for the common good of humanity.
Humility is guided by a conscience that is committed to morality through the virtues that include modesty, compassion and empathy for the feelings of others.
"If you can dream it, you can do it".
-Walt Disney
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