
Values are linked to our sense of self.
They reflect our culture and shape our way of life.
Values are guidelines within which to think and direct behavior to:
*Live life with a sense of direction.
*Reflect on what is right and wrong.  
*Grow and develop according to the future we want.

"To Thine Own Self be True"

A future based on your interests adds value and brings fulfillment.
We are happy when we do the things we enjoy most or achieve something we value.
We want a moral, wholesome existence that is in harmony with our fellow human being.
Find Your Passion
Do the things you find exciting.
Explore your potential.
Learn things you enjoy.
That's how you find your passion.
That's where you will find opportunity.

Value of Knowledge

Knowledge is valuable because it enhances thinking:
*To solve problems.
*Improve logic and reason.
Confidence grows as knowledge and experience increases.
Self-education should continue throughout life.
Your goals and interests determine what knowledge or skills you need.
You can research through the internet, books and a variety of other sources for enjoyment and relaxation, acquire new ideas and provide you with a continuous source of inspiration.
Further education to acquire new skills and to develop natural abilities can be done through evening classes, correspondence courses, full-time day classes, university, discussion groups, seminars and workshops that will help you get ahead and provide increased opportunities.

Value of Goal Setting

Without goals, their is no direction or ambition to visualize and plan for an ideal future.
Goal setting provides long, intermediate and short-term stages for making the most of life.
It encourage an individual to take action through:  
*Direction for where you want to go in life.
*Focus to stay on track regardless of any obstacles.   
*Inspiration to achieve.

Value of Time

Time is a valuable resource because you cannot take it back.
The value of your life depends on what you do with your time.
Aimless life brings disappointment with the realization that so much of what one wanted to do in life will be left undone.
Time is the ongoing sequence of events from the past, present and future.
We need time to work, eat, sleep, and to accomplish all the daily chores of living.
We need time for our family, friends and recreational interests
Self management means being organized to get things done by:
*Eliminating the irrelevant.
*Adapting to changing demands readily.

Value of Inner Peace

Negative emotions cause stress.
*We need peace of mind.
*We need courage and hope.
*We need guidance and direction.
*We need a light that illuminates our path.
Positive thoughts are visualized through the power of your imagination.
We find peace of mind by doing things that we enjoy.
Assets of the Mind
*Positive attitude
*Clear conscience
*Spiritual enlightenment
Your Conscience
The conscience is a part of an individual's value system that will tell you what is right and what is wrong.
Listen to your conscience to make wise choices.
*Think about the things you love
*Think about the things that make you happy
"Count your blessings" and be thankful for what you have.

Spiritual Values

Spiritual values provide the magical inspiration of faith in God and Jesus Christ.
They manifest a spiritual language and ethical foundation that benefits the family, our community, and fellow human being.
Faith is blessed by God with love, humility, forgiveness, and compassion.
Spiritual inspiration enlightens the heart and heals the mind.

Value of Good Character

Values of good character include:
*Integrity means having high moral values to do the right thing.
*Compassion fosters feelings of goodwill among people.
*Respect means treating everyone as you yourself would wish to be treated.
*Empathy is being able to see the world as others see it, even though you may not agree with it.
*Good manners promote harmonious relations.
*Honesty means that you can be trusted.
*Self-control means controlling bad behavior and habits.
*Commitment enables an individual to govern themselves.
*Perseverance provides the will to endure despite obstacles.  
*Self-confidence is having faith in yourself and your abilities.

Value of Tradition

Traditions shape our way of life.
They represent our culture and form the foundation of a wholesome family and a good society.
Tradition provides us with:
*Identity of where we came from.
*Bonds of belonging to a place that is unique and special.
*Connection to past generations throughout its history.

Value of Family

People with wholesome values are the strength of a society.
Dysfunctional people destroy society.
The 1960s gave birth to the Sexual Revolution and western society began to abandon many of the values on which its civilization was based.
Secularism and godlessness has created dysfunctional families and self-destructive behaviors that manifest in immorality, addictions, violence and evil.
Valueless life and junk culture accepted in today's Western society can never create a happy home or a wholesome family.
Fortunate is the child "brought up" on God's Law's
Children "brought up" with the moral and ethical values of God's Laws of Life are blessed throughout life.
Strong family bonds are forged in a warm and loving home where traditional parents who have strong family values will invest in their children's physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual needs that ultimately bring every child closer to God.

Value of Service

Every human being has something to give.
Helping others is one of the values that make a difference in our community.
Serving other people is what the humble Jesus did and preached.
The selfless servant has that special inspiration in their heart and the grace to know that they want to serve God and their fellow human being.

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