That Special Sunday


That special Sunday is the day on which Jesus had Risen from the Dead.
That special Sunday is the day on which the Holy Spirit had come to the Apostles.
Sunday is the Lord's Day and is observed as the Sabbath (religious observance and day of rest).
There were six days of labor and one holy day for the most basic of human desires - worship, peace of mind and the Love of our Lord in a place of liturgy and prayer with the spiritual family of God.
As we light our candle (Light of Christ), the House of God is filled with the fragrance of incense.
The faithful file in line to take Holy Communion, make the Sign of the Cross and and take the Andidiron (Greek: Ἀντίδωρον - Blessed Bread).



That Special Sunday
Sunday is a day of rest and devotion.
The Bible says that a day of rest on the seventh day is commanded by God to be kept as a holy day.
By blessing the seventh day, God marks the unique rest day in a way that the other days do not.
Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God.
On 7 March 321, Constantine I, the first Christian emperor, decreed that Sunday be observed as the day of rest: "On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed".
Sunday reminds us of our spiritual side - there is a certain comforting warmth of the day that restores and replenishes your soul with the Divine love within that uplifts one to a higher sense of purpose and meaning.
Our inner nature is absorbed by the spiritual beauty of God that gives a sense of connection to a much greater whole.
The Beatitude, "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual needs "Matthew 5:3 gives meaning to life in a world of hustle and bustle.
Jesus Christ's famous Sermon on the Mount taught His listeners to purify and discipline their minds and hearts with wholesome and loving thoughts (Matthew 5:21, 22, 28, 6:19 -21).
We look to God and Jesus Christ for our salvation as the soul is looking into a Divine future in the Heavenly Kingdom of God.


The Christian Church


That Special Sunday
Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd Who leads His flock to greener pastures.
From the start of Jesus Christ's Ministry, He called on people to share in His Mission to shepherd God's people starting with the Twelve Apostles.
His Great Commission endowed His Twelve Apostles to carry His Gospel into the world and to baptize people into the new Christian faith.
Every Sunday and on all holy days, the church re-enacts the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the means by which we achieve union with each other and through the Sacraments.
We enjoy Christian fellowship and we are spiritually strengthened as we hear the Voice of God through Liturgy and the Sacraments and find Jesus, the Good Shepherd, Who leads His flock to greener pastures.
The church is a sanctuary for the body, mind and soul providing inspiration and spiritual renewal.
Many a poor heart comes seeking solace and spiritual guidance in the tranquility of a humble church where one feels the spiritual energy of being close to God
Christians worship on Sunday mornings because Jesus rose from the dead early on Sunday morning.
Every Sunday, God's people dedicate this day to Him by putting aside their duties and go to church to hear the Voice of God and to find Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd Who leads His flock to greener pastures.
It is in worship of God - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that the rich traditions of Christian faith are truly experienced and is fundamental to the life and spirit of a Christian.
Humble people express their faith by acknowledging Jesus Christ as the King of their world
God's church brings hope and love for one another - it fulfills Christ's Great Commission to carry the Gospel to the world (Matthew 28:18–20).


Sunday School


That Special Sunday
When we seek God, we find His Path to Righteousness.
When we study the Bible (God's Word) we find God our Creator and Jesus our Savior.
Then, we begin to put value where it is due - into the right people and the right places.
When you give your heart to God - it empowers you.
When you walk with Jesus in your daily walk in life, He will lead you to greener pastures.
The traditional Sunday school is the foremost institution for teaching Christian history and the principles of Christian life.
Its text-book is the Bible - its goal is to awaken youth (and all people) to the Presence of God in the world and to better understand their own personal relationships with Him.
Spiritual enlightenment from the early years builds faith through regular church attendance, attending Sunday school and through understanding the real significance of religious festivities such as Christmas, Easter and important Saint's Days.
Sunday School:
*Children grow in Christian knowledge, values and virtues.
*Children find Christian fellowship and develop meaningful relationships.
Like Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, the Sunday School teacher becomes a shepherd who guides young people to discover, learn and apply God’s Laws of Life to their own lives.
They help them develop the spiritual eyes, ears, and heart so they can seek spiritual realities.
And, they help to steer them away from the forces of dysfunction and evil.
Spiritual assets open their eyes of faith to see beyond this world.



That Special Sunday
The Bible is the inspired Word of God - His uniquely inspired Message to humanity.
The foundation of the Christian Church is built upon the Teachings of the Prophets (Old Testament) and the Apostles (New Testament).
The Church is the House of God where we assemble to worship Him, grow in Him and to serve Him.
Jesus Christ is the Head of the Christian church - the Foundation and the Light that guides us to the path of salvation.
Faith in God and Jesus Christ is the Christian conception of achieving spiritual fulfillment to benefit others and Glorify the Lord.


That Special Sunday


The service of the priest is described in the Holy Bible by the love and sacrifice in Jesus Christ's Story of the Good Shepherd.
The good shepherd guides his flock to greener pastures.
Like the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, the priest provides the spiritual direction that will guide everyone of his flock closer to God.
It's Sunday morning and the church bells of Taxiarhi in Mesanagros, Rhodes Island, Greece ring in every direction, sounding fuller and louder across the hills and valleys.
When the church bell tolled every Sunday, the doors of all the homes opened and families wearing their best clothes walked to the church.
The priest of Mesanagros, Papa Matheos Stamatakis stands in front of the Holy Doors of the altar of his church wearing his sacramental vestments and begins the Divine Liturgy.
His psalti (chanter), Mihalis Pizimolas assists by chanting the responses of the beautiful Byzantine Hymns.
As he prays in his serene, peaceful voice, he calls upon his flock to live in love and hope.
There is a distinct air of spirituality among his congregation - one can feel an inner sense of peace and harmony.
At the end of the service, Papa Matheos gives his blessing as every member of his small congregation silently file through to kiss his hand and the Blessing Cross as he distributes the andidiron (Greek: Ἀντίδωρον) bread to every body as a sign of brotherly love.
In this church, as a member of this small congregation, one Sunday morning, I knew this was a sacred place where love abounds.
God abides here and we are standing on Holy Ground.



Easter Sunday


That Special Sunday
Good Friday marks Jesus Christ's Crucifixion and Easter Sunday His Resurrection to everlasting Life and Glory.
The Cross of Christ is the best known religious symbol of Christianity.
It represents the Crucifixion of Jesus and His Victory over Death and ultimate Resurrection.
The Cross of Christ reminds Christian's of God's Act of Love and Atonement in His Sacrifice at Golgotha - "the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.
This is the heart of Christian faith and belief.
Easter truly become a living expression of the hope that God has brought into the world through the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
On the Festive Easter Table, the family will gather to enjoy a wonderful array of Easter fare that has been prepared and served by a loving mother who follows the traditions of her faith.


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