Simplicity tranquility and enlightenment empowers the individual to live lighter and to add value to life through meaningful goals.
Simplicity tranquility and enlightenment opens the pathways to appreciate the simple things that radiate beauty that others don't take time to see.
God Created human-beings with:
1. Body - the part with which the individual grows, learns and communicates within the physical realm.
2. Mind - to understand and perceive through life-long experiences.
3. Soul - the part that will have a never-ending future in the Heavenly Kingdom of God.
The body, mind and soul are all interconnected to Glorify God through faith, worship and service.
The Body
A healthy body keeps you well and active.
The Mind
A healthy mind is the individual's faculty for thinking and reasoning through wholesome values.
The Soul
God gifted mankind with a spiritual soul that will continue to exist beyond physical life in God's Heavenly Kingdom.
The soul is the link between the physical body and the spiritual self.
What makes people feel fulfilled and happy?
Life should reflect who we truly are to find our fulfillment and happiness in life through what you want to be, what you would like to do and, what you would like to achieve.
A vivid vision of your ideal future opens your eyes to your goals and their end result.
Use your imagination to create opportunities and to maximize your potential.
Choices and Action
Choices and ultimately, action determine success or failure.
Build your confidence through achieving your goals and turning dreams into reality.
Believe you can and expect it to happen.
Achieving them will give you the freedom of choice to do what you want, when you want!
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams".
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Simplicity Tranquility and Enlightenment
Each of us exists within a human and physical environment that surround us.
Each of us relates and behaves on the basis of their perception of their environment.
The vicious cycle of long working hours, daily commuting to work, the monotony of a repetitive, dead-end job as well as the traffic and pollution in the fast-paced, urban-sprawl of city life can be a place of stress and pressure where many people find themselves trapped in what is referred to as the "rat race."
There are people who long for the rural lifestyle; away from the world of neon lights and traffic jams and to enjoy God's natural world in all its variety and vitality.
Mercy of the Unknown
We seek peace of mind in the face of adversity.
Problems and setbacks bring feelings of being at the mercy of the unknown.
Fear weighs us down with negative emotions about the future with anxiety and uncertainty.
Unsolved problems seem to pull one on a downward spiral to nowhere.
Negative attitudes and thinking, lead to failure.
"I would if I could, but I can't, so I won't".
Light of Hope
Hope can mean so much to the individual who needs it.
If anything gets accomplished, it is through hope.
The strength of hope is desire.
Its strong desire can mean the difference between giving up and going on.
Desire provides the resourcefulness to approach a problem or a goal with a positive mindset.
The positive emotion of hope creates a confident expectation to persevere and to endure.
In the Bible, light is a symbol of holiness, goodness and hope.
“Hope is the light that shines brightest in the darkest of nights.”
By contrast, darkness is associated with evil, sin and dysfunction.
The cloud always has a silver lining.
In the midst of darkness, we turn to God and Jesus Christ in the hour of need.
"If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining."
- Guy Finley
Simplicity tranquility and enlightenment
"We Become What We Think"
A great deal depends on the attitude of the mind and how we think, feel, believe, behave and act.
Ignorance restricts the mind and creates boundaries.
The more you know, the better off you will be.
The mind and imagination can help an individual extend the boundaries of their knowledge and to grow broaden thoughts and feelings, develop better attitudes and habits.
Positive Thinking
Positive thinking directs you toward success
Positive thoughts keep you constantly inspired.
A positive attitude creates positive expectations.
Positive action says, “yes I can do this.”
Wrong values lead to nowhere.
A fixed mindset achieves fewer goals and fewer rewards.
"If you can't focus effectively, you can't think effectively."
Unnecessary things "weigh you down" making it difficult to relax which in turn, affects the ability to focus.
De-clutter the mind by eliminating the irrelevant creates more time and energy for the things we love.
"Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
-Albert Einstein
Simplicity provides the intangible resources of time, peace of mind and contentment.
There is less stress, better sleep, increased focus and peace of mind.
It brings forth reflection on what truly matters in life to live lighter and add value to life through meaningful goals.
Clear thinking is aligned with your values.
It means knowing exactly what you want and where you want to be with goals and their paths to reach them.
Simplicity has two steps:
*Identify the relevant.
*Eliminate the irrelevant.
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Time can either be used productively or wastefully.
Balance is necessary for moving forward and to finding fulfillment.
Balance through common sense, avoids the extremes and the harmful because of its ability to imagine the consequences.
A healthy diet, exercise-program and the right attitude, strengthens the immune system and reduces health risk factors.
Family and friendships are the foundation of a vibrant, good society.
Emotional well-being provides resilience and positive emotions.
Knowledge opens the door to opportunity.
Recreation and hobbies improve our physical and mental health.
Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
-Thomas Merton
Simplicity Tranquility and Enlightenment
The Mind
Negativity restricts the mind!
Mental freedom enriches the mind!
Whether you are happy or become upset, it all happens in your mind.
The mind is the mental and emotional aspect of the human body.
It governs both conscious and unconscious thoughts and functions.
It also allows us to imagine, dream and store our memories.
Inner Peace
Inner peace is a state of tranquility that enhances the quality of life.
It nourishes the soul, inspires the mind and strengthens the body.
Inner peace brings inner calm that radiates contentment to enjoy each moment, free from worry, guilt, shame or self-condemnation.
It makes your immune system more resilient and your outlook positive.
Its unseen currents radiate serene peace with the present and within.
Inner peace is also an important characteristic of spiritual wellbeing found by the one who has God in their heart.
Tranquility is defined as a pleasant state of mind that is quiet and serene.
These are the moments when the mind is absorbed by beauty and inner contentment.
The healing energy of a tranquil mind flows out to reveal God's Divine Providence (God's Guidance and Control over all events).
When the mind is absorbed by beauty, it gives a sense of something Greater than one could ever imagine.
The visual delights of a sunrise or sunset and the scents and sounds of nature provide tranquil health benefits.
Whether you spend time in your backyard, a neighborhood park, a beach or the tranquil settings of the countryside, nature can have a profound impact that makes you feel better emotionally and contributes to your physical well-being.
God's Presence is seen in the breathtaking Beauty of the natural world through His Creativity and Splendor - just look around, above and beyond.
When the "heart spiritually awakens," the senses experience God's Creation's everywhere and every day that fill the mind with beauty and contentment.
Joy is a positive emotion represented by the smile of a happy person.
Simplicity Tranquility and Enlightenment
The Calm Sanctuary
There is a special place where time seems to stand still.
It is a place of refuge, where one can go to relax and make time for themselves in tranquil surroundings.
A sanctuary can be a home, the church or a quiet, natural setting where its tranquil atmosphere helps the individual to recharge and de-stress away from the hustle and bustle of a hectic world.
A love-filled home possesses a radiance beyond description - God Abides Here!
Nature is a place of refuge from the stresses and tensions of daily life with a sense of awe and wonder of God's Wonderful Creations.
Away from the concrete urban sprawl, pollution, neon-lights and the traffic, we find peace of mind in a haven of beautiful landscapes wrapped by the quiet of natural and uncrowded surroundings that absorbs the body, mind and soul with beauty.
God's Spiritual Retreat is a sanctuary for the body, mind and soul where one can truly appreciate the visual delights of the natural world.
A leisurely walk in natural surroundings is the most exhilarating walk to put things into perspective and provide a new meaning to life.
Those who appreciate the beauties of nature can feel the spiritual energy filling them with an indescribable peace of mind.
You can look unto the hills from where your help comes from.
Psalms 121:1-2
"I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles."
-Anne Frank.
Simplicity Tranquility and Enlightenment
Spiritual enlightenment means being “awakened” to spiritual realities that have meaning, a purpose and an eternal destiny.
Spiritual enlightenment gives humanity a reason to life in this world and in the eternal world to come in God's Heavenly Kingdom.
Faith provides the renewing inspiration of transcendence ("seeing" beyond the physical level) to find the Pathway that leads to God.
Our relationships take on a greater meaning.
Our experiences of faith, love, hope and peace of mind deepen.
And, you will "see" through eyes of faith, God’s Presence within and around you.
We cannot experience, understand, or relate to God when, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Jesus Christ said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
- John 8:12
Communing With God
Simplicity Tranquility and Enlightenment
God invites the weary and the worried to reap His Spiritual Blessings that no other source can supply.
The psalmist said, "Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain thee."
(Psalm 55:22)
Through worship, we acknowledge God in our lives and Jesus Christ as the King of our world.
To go to church is to be spiritually enriched, strengthened and to enjoy Christian fellowship.
When the church bell tolls, the Christian faithful go to church to hear the Voice of God through Liturgy and the Sacraments and to find Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd, Who leads His flock to greener pastures.
We look to God and Jesus Christ for our salvation that comes with the forgiveness of our sins.
Through prayer, we seek guidance, forgiveness or the light of hope.
In quiet humility, we pray in our own words, our needs, our hopes and our dreams.
Christian fellowship unites human beings who have the same values and virtues to God and to one another.
The Conscience
In the spiritual sense, the conscience is the internal Voice of God.
It becomes the standard we use to judge whether our actions are ethical.
The conscience urges “to do good and avoid evil" for the benefit of a good and stable society.
It helps to make you feel guilty when you do something bad and good when you do something kind.
No-one can stand before God and lie or do evil with a clear conscience.
The prodigal acknowledges his sins by turning to Jesus Christ and asking for forgiveness and deliverance.
They must also be willing to forgive others.
Jesus Christ said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Moral Compass
The moral compass always points in an ethical direction to guide our actions accordingly.
Its components comprise values and ideals to form a moral path to wholesome life.
For the Christian, it means that the person is aligned with God's Laws of Life to avoid excesses and all that is harmful.
Simplicity Tranquility and Enlightenment
The Kingdom of God is invisible unless you have the "eyes of faith" to see it.
With faith in God, we see and hear things that the “eye has not seen, nor ear heard”
(1 Corinthians 2:9)
Faith connects us not only to God, but to those around us.
God becomes the Sovereign of our heart.
Jesus Christ becomes our Companion in our daily walk in life.
Faith illuminates the power of the imagination to spiritual realities to provide a sense of purpose in this life and in the life to come.
God's Spirit within enables the faithful to:
*Live God's way.
*Become spiritually strengthened to endure the challenges of life.
*Gain peace of mind that can only be found in God and Jesus Christ.
"Moving a Mountain"
Faith can be enough to move mountains - you just have to have the desire to make it happen.
Even when situations seemed bleak, people have moved mountains with their faith because of God's Spirit within.
Jesus Christ Illuminates difficult pathways through the power of inspiration to conquer fear, doubt and negativity.
"I am the light of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life"
(John 8:12)
Simplicity Tranquility and Enlightenment
The Church
Sunday, the Seventh Day, is given to humanity by God to devote time to their spiritual needs.
Jesus Christ came to offer people salvation through repentance, by putting their trust in Him, and to be baptized into His Church.
A person touched by the Holy Spirit is forever changed through a Divine Connection.
The church becomes a Spiritual Sanctuary for God's people and where the longings of the soul is satisfied.
It reminds us of God's Presence in our world.
*The church is the House of God.
*Jesus Christ is the Head of the Christian church.
Christian life is lived in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, Christian fellowship in the church and through serving our fellow human being.
Christian life provides a spiritual language and ethical culture to follow a balanced, wholesome life that sets the moral and social foundation throughout life.
Christian values shape character and lifestyle that benefit our family, our community and our fellow human being.
And, it gives enlightenment to lives that may seem otherwise, negative or hopeless.
Christian life is blessed by God with love, humility, forgiveness, and compassion.
A church bell's toll carries God's Message:
*To summon, celebrate, remind or commemorate
*To worship
*To pray
*To bless those who gladly hear its chimes
Simplicity Tranquility and Enlightenment
William Paley
William Paley (July 1743 – 25 May 1805) trained for the Anglican priesthood at Christ's College, Cambridge in 1763 and was appointed a fellow and tutor of his college in 1766.
His 1794 book A View of the Evidence of Christianity was required reading at Cambridge University until the 20th century.
His analogical (comparison) design argument in his Natural Theology states that if we were to discover a watch in a natural environment then, due to its order, complexity, and purpose, we would reason that an intelligent designer created it.
The universe, William Paley argued, exhibits the same order, complexity, and purpose, so it too, must have been Created by a Creator.
Even if we had no prior knowledge of how the universe or a watch was made, we would still conclude from their order, complexity, and purpose that they both have intelligent designers.
The Image of the Watchmaker:
. . . when we come to inspect the watch, we perceive. . . that its several parts are framed and put together for a purpose, e.g. that they are so formed and adjusted as to produce motion, and that motion so regulated as to point out the hour of the day; that if the different parts had been differently shaped from what they are, or placed after any other manner or in any other order than that in which they are placed, either no motion at all would have been carried on in the machine, or none which would have answered the use that is now served by it. . . . the inference we think is inevitable, that the watch must have had a maker -- that there must have existed, at some time and at some place or other, an artificer or artificers who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer, who comprehended its construction and designed its use.
William Paley goes on to say that living organisms are even more complicated than watches, "in a degree which exceeds all computation."
Only an Intelligent Designer could have created them, just as only an intelligent watchmaker can make a watch.
"The marks of design are too strong to be got over.
Design must have had a designer.
That designer must have been a person.
That person is GOD".
William Paley
True Life Story of an ex-Atheist, Ian McCormack's Near Death Experience (NDE)
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