Light of the World 


The Light of the World (Greek: Χριστός (Christós) φώς τοῦ κόσμου Phṓs tou kósmou), illuminates our path like a lighthouse through the darkness of sin and enduring struggles toward the Refuge of God.
Through unseen currents, the Light of the World radiates holiness, goodness, grace and hope to touch hearts and change lives.
The Light of Divinity in the book of 1 John 1:5, says, "God is Light" to the whole universe.
On that first day of Creation: “God said, "Let there be light," and there was light marking the beginnings of the world (Genesis 1:3).
Light of the world is associated with:
Saint Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:8 that wisdom is the first Gift of the Holy Spirit!
Wisdom illuminates reality and common sense that should be reflected in the way we live.
Intellect is the faculty of the mind that gives light to the imagination, to solve problems through logic and reason, make wise choices and to know the difference between right and wrong.
Light is the source of goodness through conduct and character.
It is reflected through kindness, generosity, humility and compassion.
Jesus Christ showed His Love for others by blessing and serving the poor, the sick, and the distressed.
Good Works
Jesus Christ, the Humble Servant, came to Serve and to Give.
Good works are what we were made for through serving others and doing good deeds that Glorify God.
In adversity, we cultivate hope to brighter days to come.
A ray of hope in a difficult situation overcomes darkness through endurance and perseverance.
Hope inspires us to follow our path to dreams through expectation and fulfillment.
Light is reflected through the realities of life.
A light at the end of a tunnel symbolizes hope.
Truth to what is morally, ethically and spiritually is found via the path of righteousness.
Jesus summed up the questions of life in John 14:6 – “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me”.
To see the light is to receive salvation.
Just as God loves all His people and is willing to forgive their sins, we must also be willing to forgive others.
"For if you forgive others when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins".
(TNIV, Matthew 6:14-15)
Forgiveness and repentance must therefore, be embedded in your heart to gain the Gift of Salvation.
Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die".
-John 11:25-26
To Live in grace is to measure life by God's Standards.
The Gift of God's Grace is to share it generously with those around us.
God's Grace is forgiveness for the salvation of sinners.
God's Revelation
There are 3 main purposes of Revelation.
1. Knowing God Exists
2. Understanding God's Will
3. Knowing God's Plan
In the Abrahamic religion reveals knowledge of God, His will, and His Divine Providence to the world.
God reveals Himself through natural law, through His Creation, through His Word, and through the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ represents the fullness of Divine Revelation.
Special Revelation includes God speaking to Abraham in Genesis 12, 13, 15 and 17, to Moses in Exodus 3 and Gabriel speaking to Mary (Luke 1:26-38).


Light of the World


Jesus Christ is the Light of the world
Jesus used Light to describe Himself and His Disciples that is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew (5:14–16) and John (8:12) of the New Testament.
Jesus compares His followers to light, saying we "are the light of the world," unable to be hidden Matthew - “You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14).
A hilltop monastery cannot be hidden and a lamp gives light to all who are in a house or street.
Let your light shine that they may see your good works and Glorify your Father in Heaven.
In the Old Testament light signifies God's Presence through the beauty of His Creation and Favor through His Grace in our lives (Psalm 27:1 ; Isa 9:2 ; 2 Cor 4:6).
Light Versus Darkness
Light symbolizes triumph of good over evil as it reflects in the inherent goodness of human nature.
Acts of kindness, justice, compassion, and morality ultimately triumph over cruelty, injustice, and immorality.
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:21).
Good is often portrayed in art through angelic celestial beings with wings and halos symbolizing purity and goodness.
Light serves as a symbol of immortality.
A white light represents Heaven and the afterlife.
It also serves as a symbol of life, happiness and prosperity.
By contrast, darkness is associated with evil, sin, death and the underworld - it represents everything that separates us from God Who is Light.
The Holy Light (το Άγιο Φως) refers to a miracle that happens every year at Pascha at the Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
The flame of the Holy Light lights up on its own, without any flame source.
Light of the World
Holy Spirit
A person touched by the Holy Spirit is forever changed.
God becomes the Lord of our heart.
Jesus Christ becomes our companion in our daily walk in life.
The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity Who performs specific Divine functions in the life of a Christian or the Christian church.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Light that illuminates the mind to see with spiritual sight.
It is the source of our inspiration, guidance and direction that empowers the followers of Jesus Christ with spiritual gifts.
The symbol of the Holy Spirit is a dove that comes from Christ's Baptism: Jesus saw “the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him.” (Mark 1:10)
Like a craftsman’s hands cannot function independent of his mind and body; likewise, God’s holy spirit operates only as he directs it.
(Luke 11:13)


Symbols of Light


Light of the World
The dove is a symbol of purity, holiness and peace.
The dove of Christ means salvation for those who believe and receive Him.
In Judeo-Christian culture, the dove represents the soul and the Holy Spirit.
The olive branch as a symbol of peace in Western civilisation dates back to 5th century BC, Greece.
A dove with an olive branch means good tidings.
The dove and the olive branch served to tell Noah that the water had receded from the earth.
A dove painted in gold and silver plumage mean purity and innocence
In ancient Greek and Roman times white doves were gifted from the bride to the groom at weddings.
Florence Nightingale - Lady With the Lamp
The lamp of knowledge (life) is the official symbol of the nursing profession and of higher education.
Florence Nightingale, - the Lady With the Lamp, is the founder of nursing - it represents a nurses' dedication and selfless work through compassion and goodwill.
She is commemorated as the heroine who was seen in the dark hospital rooms with a lamp while caring for the injured soldiers of the Crimean War.
Florence Nightingale's Lamp symbolises the light of hope and comfort to those who are suffering during the darkest nights carrying her lamp as she walked among their beds.
Symbols of faith include the Cross of Christ, Angel and an icon (Greek εἰκών (eikṓn) 'image, resemblance') is a religious work of art, most commonly a painting, in the cultures of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Catholic churches.
Light of the World
Lighting a Candle
An undecorated white candle symbolizes the Purity and Light of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ said, “I am the light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
(John 8:12)
We light our candle:
*In church to thank God for His many blessings.
*To remember loved ones who are sick.
*For those who have passed into God's Heavenly Kingdom.
*To ask God to have mercy on their souls.
And, we light a candle and pray, to repent for our own sins.


Spiritual Enlightenment


Light of the World
Spiritual enlightenment means being “awakened” to spiritual realities.
Those realities are:
*God exists - God is a Spiritual Force.
*Jesus Christ is our Savior - The Good Shepherd Who leads His flock to greener pastures.
*There is an eternal, Heavenly Kingdom - Heaven is a Spiritual World
God gifted mankind with a spiritual soul that will continue to exist beyond physical life in God's Heavenly Kingdom.
When our "heart spiritually awakens" our lives have meaning, a purpose and an eternal destiny.
Our experiences of faith, love, hope and peace of mind deepen.
Through prayer, we pray to God and Jesus Christ for our needs, our hopes and our dreams.
Faith provides that feeling of inner-strength to move mountains in adversity because our faith provides a sense that there is something far Greater and Divine than sensory experiences.
Peace of mind that transcends all distractions can only come from God Jesus Christ.
And, you will "see" through eyes of faith, God’s Presence within and around you.
We cannot experience, understand, or relate to God when, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:4).


True Life Story of an ex-Atheist, Ian McCormack's Near Death Experience (NDE)

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