Visualizing the future influences inner responses to design our environment of choice.
The mind and imagination are the tools of ideas and innovation.
Goals and dreams take shape through the inspiration of the imagination.
The more you imagine, the stronger the mind becomes to achieve.
It can remind us daily of good things to come our way.
Like a bright shining light, it creates a positive mood to endure anything and everything toward a brighter tomorrow.
"If you can dream it, you can do it".
-Walt Disney
An ideal gives value to a goal and its end result.
Visualizing the future makes many things become possible.
Our goals revolve around pursuing opportunities.
You can look for opportunity or create it.
"Luck" and opportunity go "hand in hand."
How you think and and how you act when opportunity comes along determine how lucky you will be.
The more you strive to reach your goals, the luckier you get.
Imagine the Possibilities
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams".
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Goals are the first step to turning dreams into reality.
Passion that is enduring provides the commitment and enthusiasm to pursue those things that give meaning to life.
Visualizing the future creates positive expectations.
The power of the mind enables you to do what others might think is impossible!
The future is in your imagination.
*Visualize your ideal self.
*Visualize your ideal lifestyle.
Goal setting shapes our world the way we want it to be.
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
-Theodore Roosevelt
A simple, written mission statement provides the:
*driving force to reach a goal
*ability to measure every activity
*focus on priorities within a specific time-frame
Visualizing the future should include five key areas of life:
Strong family bonds are forged in a home that has a sense of belonging.
Special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, important Saint's Days, birthdays, Name Days, anniversaries, Mother's Day, Father's Day and any other important traditional holiday should always be observed and celebrated for their special significance.
And, family holidays become valued experiences and constant reminders to every member of a family of happy times and unforgettable memories.
Spiritual enlightenment means being “awakened” to spiritual realities that make us rich in faith, love, goodness and service.
Through eyes of faith, the spiritual rich can "see" God’s Presence within, above and beyond.
The Fear of God leads people to become responsible for their lives.
It reminds us that:
*all actions have repercussions
*we are accountable to Someone.
That Someone is God!
We cannot experience, understand, or relate to God when, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ”
(2 Corinthians 4:4).
The laws of health and well-being are found through a balanced diet, sensible exercise, sufficient sleep and rest as well as a mind attuned to positive thinking.
Unhealthy habits have consequences that take their toll over time in the form of sickness, pain and misery.
Healthy living invigorate the body, strengthens the immune system and reduces health risk factors.
A strong body and a positive mindset oozes good health and well-being.
Even simple, everyday things like family, friends, hobbies and the beauties that nature can bring happiness and a contented mind.
Imagine having a well-toned body with a fat-free waistline that radiates strength and vitality.
A person in tip-top shape has a kind of aura about them that oozes robust, healthy living.
Exercise builds muscle, it invigorates the organs increasing the health of your heart and lungs and is also a good way of spending leisure time.
Any kind of physical exercise that stimulates better circulation and deeper breathing is good to improve or maintain overall health.
It may include walking, skipping, jogging, running, cycling, swimming and aerobics to weightlifting, yoga, team sport and any other forms of enriching practices that an individual may wish to participate.
“The quality of life is determined by its activities.”
Aristotle (Ancient Greek Philosopher, Scientist and Physician)
There are those in the unfortunate position of being unemployed or work in a dead-end job.
Unskilled jobs are generally routine and usually monotonous involving little imagination and creativity.
People employed in these jobs are paid low wages and there is no sense of fulfillment - its just a job which provides a means of meeting obligations.
And, when an individual suddenly, loses their job, it can bring financial hardship and a loss of self esteem.
A major portion of our working life goes to earning a living for ourselves and our dependents.
A good education is an investment for the future that will provide the ideal lifestyle that is fulfilling, rewarding and well suited to you.
Its all about building wealth to give you financial security for the future.
Think about your financial goals!
Financial freedom gives you the freedom of choice to live the lifestyle you desire
Think about your lifestyle goals!
You want to pursue the social, recreational and travel activities of your choice.
Financial freedom means:
*Having money in the bank
*Having money work for you
*Comfort in retirement
Money means income, purchasing power and the means to a better life.
The kind of money you earn can:
*determine where you live
*affect the way you feel about yourself
*determine your future life
Pay Yourself First
Savings is an essential element of personal money management.
"Paying yourself first" is a key element in getting started on the road to financial freedom.
*The more you save the more wealth you create.
*The more savings you turn into capital, the less you need to borrow.
Your goal is to ensure steady growth by setting aside a specific amount each month for the purpose of saving.
The Aspiring Entrepreneur
As an aspiring entrepreneur, you have the desire to own a business and that creative spirit to turn that interest into financial gain.
Success requires a plan for how to monetize that interest into a profitable business.
Your passion can provide the direction to embark on something that is financially rewarding.
When you are doing what you love, opportunity begins to open new doors.
Online Business opportunities
Imagine a business:
*Without boundaries
*With no ceiling on income potential
Break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle.
A Website Works all Year Round, 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week!
A website can become an income-producing asset that can dramatically increase your earning power with little effort required to maintain once the initial work has been done.
Turn your ideas, knowledge, passion, skills or interest into a business that earns income all-year round.
Leverage your time and effort to multiply your profits through a variety of online income avenues and through the most affordable and cost-effective forms of promotion.
It can set you on the path toward financial freedom and to live your ideal lifestyle.
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The Keen Traveler
Mar 23, 25 03:53 AM
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