Catholic Life Themes

A Pilgrim's Journey
The Kingdom of God is invisible unless a person has the eyes of faith to see it.
A pilgrimage to a place that is considered holy is a journey of faith.
It is a spiritual journey that satisfies the deeper longings of the soul.
It offers inspiration and spiritual renewal with life-changing experiences that only God and our dear Lord, Jesus Christ can offer.
And, it opens your eyes to the Light of God's Wonders all around you.

Jennifer Miranda

Jennifer Miranda (nee D'Souza) was born in Dharwar, North Karnataka,  India.
She was raised and did her schooling and college in Karwar, North Karnataka and then went to Mumbai to do her Teacher's training.
She taught in schools in her native state of North Karnataka and Mumbai but also lectured in the Teacher's Training College.
The subjects she taught were English, Geography and Economics to high school students.
Jennifer was a strict disciplinarian in class inculcating into her students strong moral values so they would become exemplary citizens of society.

Jennifer can Feel God's Hand in Her Life

Jennifer is a devout, Roman Catholic and is rich in faith, love and goodness.
With faith in her heart, Jennifer acknowledges God and Jesus Christ in her life.
She embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage to explore the most basic of human desires - connection to God.
In quiet humility, she lit her candle and prayed to God, our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Virgin Mary and to the Patron Saint of each shrine she visited.
Caught up in the powerful spiritual intensity she was struck by the feeling of holiness that surrounded each shrine and she could feel the spiritual energy flowing through her filling her with grace and an indescribable peace of mind.
For Jennifer, these sacred Catholic shrines were like sanctuaries for the body, the mind and the soul providing inspiration and spiritual renewal.
"Jesus lives in us and loves us forever".
-Jennifer Miranda

The Bonds of a Patron Saint

A Saint is a person that lived a holy life of justice, piety, fidelity, fortitude and gentleness.
Patron Saints are chosen as special protectors or guardians over areas of life that include occupations, illnesses, churches, countries, causes and just about anything that is important to us.
Many individuals have a special bond in their very own Patron Saint who they look to for help and guidance when caught up in the traps of life's difficulties.
Their Patron Saint leads and guide them through all kinds of difficult steps and replace them with a profound healing of the mind, the body and the heart.

Christian Life

With humility, Jennifer anticipates the future of God's Promises in her day-to-day activities knowing they are in God's Plan.
Jesus said, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see; for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it”.
Her solace is going to mass daily if possible, reciting the Rosary and reading the Bible.
One of the books she loves and draws inspiration from is "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas Kempis.
Her love of reading was instilled in her by her parents who read books of inspiration daily.
Jennifer joined the Charismatic Movement (along with her husband, the late, Victor Miranda) who meet every week for Praise and Worship.
She is involved in the intercessory mission (praying on behalf of others) and prays for the needs of mankind.
In quiet humility, she prays in her own words, her needs, her hopes and her dreams.
The Charismatic Movement also have a fellowship every month where every member shares their experiences and enjoy a common meal together.
Jennifer's favorite Psalms are Psalm 23, Psalm 91 and Psalm 103.
She reads Isaiah 55 daily and some part of the Gospel that she ponders on daily.
Meditation can go on throughout the day.

Aster Gomes

Aster Gomes is a Catholic Christian who was born in Mombasa, Kenya in 1941.
His ancestral heritage is from Goa, India, famous for the Navarrese Basque Roman Catholic missionary, Saint Francis Xavier, S.J. (1506 – 1552) who ministered there and where his body now lies in the Basilica of Bom Jesus.
As an aspiring entrepreneur, and innovator, Aster always had the desire to own a business and that creative spirit to turn that interest into financial gain and personal development for himself and his Associates in Australia and overseas.
His ambition to succeed fulfilled his dreams and his commitment and persistence propelled him up the ladder of success.
Aster’s philosophy in life is to help people get a vision of what is possible and then to make it happen is what he finds extremely rewarding.
"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit".
-Napoleon Hill


God’s Heart is with the poor, the sick and the down-trodden.
Saint Peter says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
Jesus the Humble Servant came into this world to serve and to give.    
To serve and to give define Christian life.
Through serving and giving, we express our gratitude and we share the love we've been given by God through our unique talents, personalities and abilities.
Jesus said: "For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give - large or small - will be used to measure what is given back to you."
(TLB, Luke 6:38)

The Call to Service

Troubled youth and prisoners who have become accustomed to dysfunction and failure need empowerment through positive, caring Christians so they can re-focus their lives to a better future through God's Righteous Way of Life.
All people need to be loved, and hurting humanity especially needs to experience love.
Aster Gomes is a blessed individual in God's wonderful world.
As a disciple of our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, he has embarked on a lifetime, spiritual journey to deliver the life changing wisdom of God’s Word to desolate, troubled and lonely lives.
His goodness and guidance has saved troubled lives from themselves.
Since 2006, Aster is part of a team that has been serving God as a Chaplain's Assistant at Yatala Labor Prison.
Through Aster, they have discovered a God Who loves them and a Christ Who came to save them from their sins.
He has helped prisoners find spiritual freedom from behind bars, troubled youth build self-esteem through pursuing dreams and, he provides comfort and joy to the aged through his wonderful musical talents.
His greatest gift to hurting humanity is his belief in them even, when they don't believe in themselves.
Many burdened and lonely lives have been forever changed, because someone like Aster has planted the spiritual seeds of hope toward a brighter tomorrow.
Aster's optimistic attitude overcomes fears and softens hearts as their mentor, their friend and role model with the spiritual answers.
His commitment to God and Jesus Christ has guided every burdened individual who has a mountain to climb, to move forward, to persevere and, to endure knowing that there is a brighter tomorrow.   
Their discouragement, inadequacy, and anger has given way to peace of mind and a new life of meaning, grace, and fulfillment.
"I was in prison and you came to visit me ... I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:36, 40

Gifts from the Heart

Music is a gift that contributes greatly to the enjoyment of life.
For Aster, music is a creative and enriching part of his life.
As a servant of God, Aster provides companionship and contentment on a weekly basis, playing favorite tunes and classics on the piano and his accordion to the aged in the nursing home near where he lives.
His music has a soothing effect that helps the elderly to overcome boredom and loneliness and brings happy memories of good times back to life.
Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old.
Job 12:12

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