Southern Rhodes

Southern Rhodes is a haven of rugged landscapes, traditional, whitewashed villages, hilltop monasteries and tranquility.
Its hilly slope provide a sanctuary of a bygone era in all its variety and vitality.
Its residents are the epitome of traditional values that have been passed down from past generations.
Southern Rhodes takes you away from the hustle and bustle of city life with its pollution, noise and traffic.
In the quiet of nature, you can feel the golden sunlight, breathe fresh, clean air and enjoy the delight of colorful wildflowers in spring that carpet its hilly slopes.
People here, have simpler habits that makes it a slower and more friendly in community.
Fishing, game-hunting, hiking and simply, communing with God in a secluded, hilltop monastery are all within easy reach.  
Their self-sufficient way of life is tied to the changing seasons of the year that shapes life differently.
Traditional life still goes on in a region where its people have labored for centuries from morning till night.
Sadly, immigration and the rapid growth of tourism has depopulated a way of life of how it was in the past.

Traditional Values

The traditional values, songs and poems of Southern Rhodes creates a sense of belonging.     
Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and children, enhance the well-being and identity of a traditional family.
Rituals mark important events to guide every area of life such as the four major fasting periods of the Orthodox Liturgical Calendar, Name Days and important religious festivals.
The Greek Orthodox church services and celebrations throughout the year give spiritual inspiration and renewal through the mysteries of the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Virgin Mary, the Saints, Prophets and Angels.

Tranquility of Southern Rhodes

Nature showcases the Wonders of God.  
The serene beauty of the natural world lifts the spirit to provide a sense of tranquility 
The stunning beauty of a sunrise streaming down over the hills and valleys of Southern Rhodes or the breathtaking colors of a sunset are the daily moments that reflect our spiritual side to be thankful for God's wonderful Creations.

Spring Water

Southern Rhodes spring water comes from underground aquifers (porous rock or sediment saturated with groundwater).
Its spring water is naturally alkaline and rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, and other trace minerals that providing oxygen for the body and is good for digestion.


Swallows (hellidonia) are the symbol of spring in Greece.
Spring heralds the beginning of the tourist season in Greece, village homes are freshly painted and the rural landscape is carpeted with colorful wildflowers, fruit trees are blooming and chirping birds are building their nests.
In the villages of Southern Rhodes it is considered lucky for swallows to build their nests in their homes.
Swallows will stay through the spring and summer months until the temperature begins to drop and then fly off to Africa again.
Swallows make their nests into a cement like mud and lay around 4-6 eggs.
Once the hatchlings are out, the process of feeding them becomes the work of both parents.
It takes about 21 to 25 days for young swallows to leave the nest.

Every spring, my aunt Anastasia (thia Nastasio) always left a window open for her swallows to go in and out at any time of the day.

Hilltop Monasteries

Southern Rhodes is blessed with a rich spiritual heritage.
On its quiet, rural roads you will find serene little monasteries that dot the rugged landscape.
Here, you can light a candle and commune with God, our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints in the sanctuary of a quiet and humble monastery.
Holiness surrounds these plain and simple monasteries that open your spiritual eyes to "see" beyond this world.
Hiking Trails
Hiking is good for the body and for our mental well-being.
Hiking through Southern Rhodes is a great way to strengthen the heart and to burn calories.  
Its rugged, hills and valleys offer visual delights, fresh air and the tranquility of natural surroundings.
Southern Rhodes has a land area of 379.050 km² that cover about 27 percent of the island's area.
The municipal unit comprises the southernmost portion of the island with ten rural communities.
They are:
Its quiet rural roads each lead to historic monuments, hilltop monasteries, watermelon and honeydew melon patches, vineyards, olive groves and grain fields.
You can stop at a small monastery to light a candle or rest at a traditional kafeneio (cafe) to enjoy the serenity of village life with a cup of Greek coffee.
Its the most exhilarating walk that fills mind and soul with beauty.

Mesanagros Rhodes Island

Set in unspoiled surroundings, this tiny village with its white-washed homes and narrow streets, its two historic churches and its many wonderful little monasteries has a legacy of goat herding and farming.

Pictorial Mesanagros

Charm of a Bygone Era
The traditional village life of Southern Rhodes, of how it was in the past, in all its variety and vitality, was a way of life where there were so many things to love.

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